Kompaniet vs Four Kings (7351 views)

se Mson
se Wayf
se xeTyk
se rvn
se LAondA
se Soltis
gb hentai
gb nkm
gb fenda
gb hazz
dk Dranzer
no rglaf
nl RuFio
20.01.08 21:00 CET
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Game: qw ET Quake Wars
League: OpenCup Fall 2007
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: _erazor_ (Generaladmin)
Maps: Not announced

Total Pot: € 4089
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Radio Commentary
gb #QuadV Stream 1
By: Splodge
Listen to Splodge
Language: gb

Total Slots: 1,000
Listener Peak: 84

ET Quake Wars TV
de MyHannes.info ETQW:TV
By: hannes (none)
de MyHannes.info ETQW:TV 2
By: hannes (none)
de Team SPEED-LINK #2 by FSHost.de
By: _erazor_ (none)
nl Snakepit ETQW:TV 1
By: IronFist (none)

se M8D:TV powered by QPAD
By: M8DNanite (none)


Total Slots: 200
Viewer Peak: 128


could be interesting
yer this is the LB final, so the last match before grrand final
4K ezb4sh! go rglaf
go go 4K
Goooooooooo hentai!
go go 4k
my money on rglaf !
gogo onis
- hazz
gl hentai!
GL 4k
That's a really cool match u can't miss. 4kings is the team that made the most impressive progress during this cup and now they can face the Kompaniet powerhouse in a balanced match.
think it will be a great match :)

may the best team win.
hentai's name enough to bet against them, even if i dont know anything about this game or the powers...
all on Kompaniet
wuts the map?
need more slots :[
I can't get in either:<
easy one for kompaniet
gay all slots taken

there are only 2 listed or not?

I am currently working on more slots too
72 slots for a match like this? jeez a 10th league ET match has more slots than this
110 slots now,

still working on more
cool, we need more...i still cant get in
I regret promoting the damn match, now i dont have a slot to watch, heh. I was in the main server then my computer took a fart and crashed.
sounds hard to be u :o
what main server? the match server itself :o
its not server owners fault:o they didnt implement buggy qwtv
You have € 400 on 4K
Possible win: € 692

go go 4K!
the radio broadcast is of no use with the 1:30 minute difference, is there a way to delay an audio stream with vlc media player?
dont think so m8
no, but with winamp. just press pause and then click play after the delay you want
pause vlc and when it starts hit unpause :O
16.41 min for kompaniet....thats doable for 4K
lol at the defuse, there was less than a second before that blew
will there be more slots erazor? :)
You have € 250 on se k.
Possible win: € 592.5
gg server crash
it's pretty hard getting more slots with ETQW:TV being so unstable. we can only add lots of small TV servers, cos more slots crash it

and then again it's hard to find more small TV servers
qwtv isnt as stable yet as we'd hope for
110 slots is too malovato!
Yup, can`t enter after that damn server crash - everything is busy to the top. :)
Only 1 server left now)
well the others are trying to connect but can't apparently
ok some slots free again
2-0 for 4k atm
not rly :XD
Don't add servers when they're offline!!! DAMN!
2 servers and both are full -.-
Really damn nice rounds.
When are the finals?
SPLODGE delay your radio stream if thats possible, winamp keeps resync'ing so there's no point in pausing :\
u must have some newer version of winamp. or some option that allows this function. it doesnt happen to me..
which version do you have?
5.35 but i think its more likely that its an option u have turned on instead of off (or the other way around) :) and no, i have no idea what or where it could be. sry :* :)
wp 4k :)
matchreport for the match (including demos) here: http://clanbase.ggl.com/news_league.php?nid=277989&lid=5313