Finland vs Czech Republic (12803 views)

fi Lepari
fi Iron
fi Squall
fi twidi
fi lettu
fi TBA
cz cpu
cz desiRable
cz Flash
cz Loo
cz marv
cz teentee
21.01.08 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET Nationscup XI
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: andyF1 (Highadmin)
Maps: Bremen_b2
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 37211
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cz TeamPlay Radio
By: smOke
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Language: Czech
fr #NerdVibes Radio
By: Esox
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Language: French

Total Slots: 750
Listener Peak: 70

Enemy Territory TV
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ua ClanBase ETTV
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Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 350


2nd OK
gl hf flash, desi and teente :)
hf fi Finland
Finland Owns.. and thats all ! xD
gl finland :D
lineups plz!
what is finlands line ups??
np4 fin
gl czech warriors <3 Loo, TNT, CPU
any other score than 4-0 is shame for fins.
np 4 fin
izy bash for Flashs boyz
cz gl <3 cz (fin also gl )
gl Finland
line up cz CZE :
cz cpu
cz desiRable
cz Flash
cz Loo
cz marv
cz teentee
more flags plx !!!11
easy for finland
gL&hF czCZEcz
cz cz cz cz cz GO! GO! cz cz cz cz cz [flag=cz] [flag=cz] [flag=cz] [flag=cz] [flag=cz] GO! GO! [flag=cz] [flag=cz] [flag=cz] [flag=cz]

We can beat the kings of last NC and become new stars! WHY I HAVE 9:00 TUESDAY FUCKING HARD EXAM! :( But i must cast this or I will die :) ok no more attentionwhoring...

[flag=cz] [flag=cz] [flag=cz] [flag=cz] [flag=cz] CECHY! [flag=cz] [flag=cz] [flag=cz] [flag=cz] [flag=cz] [flag=cz] [flag=cz] [flag=cz] [flag=cz] [flag=cz] CECHY! [flag=cz] [flag=cz] [flag=cz] [flag=cz]
[flag=cz] Loo [flag=cz]
easy for [flag=fi]FIN
vytrhni si jazyk a zasij pusu pls thx! :)) vrrr
You have € 100 on FIN
Possible win: € 110 :)
nemusim ti pripominat jake byly tresty v minulem rezimu za VLASTIZRADU! :P
GL czech !
izy for us!
easy for sípíju & týntý
gL czech where is sm0ke? xD
smOke! I am not zer0! :)
gl Czechy :D
easy for cze, bet on them !!!
[flag=fi]Crosby will take it!
gl czechs
gl CZE :D
go go go CZE!!
comon guys CZE powaaa!!!!
GL Czech, HF Finland! ;p
GL fin =] especially TBA
izi bash for finland lol
Oh man Lepari is playing intresting match coming ! :O)
GL Flash :)
lepari !!!! hell jeah!!!
OMG too good to be true Lepari is playing <3 secret source tells that he has been praccing a bit so he will dominate as much as he used to

Lepari > all
gl CZ!!!
no mystic no win
You have € 7 on cz CZE Cancel bet
Possible win: € 80.29

gl Czechy
kaikki leikkirahat suomelle!!!

You have € 461 on FIN
Possible win: € 502.49

gl teente
squall > Czech Republic
You have € 5 on cz CZE Cancel bet
Possible win: € 56.9

hf twidi & iron ;)
<3 marv
OMG LEPARI OMG OMG LEPARI IS PLAYING !!!!! <3<33 IZI BASH FOR LEPARI !! Lepari > all !! GL HF lepsu <3 !
If [flag=fi] Finland Lose I Chop My Balls Off (Both)
wanna see that one....

wait a minute.....

no, not really, i dont...
You'll be impressed by the size of my balls :)

Larger than Bowling Balls
well...just another reason not to see it:)
tba = mystic xD
Gl both but i think that finland will win this

tba = Metsuri
hodne stesti hosi
need mystic and xpaz
TBA = JiPp0
gl cze show that other west country can beat north one..
Celemu teamu hodne stesti a drzim palce k vitezstvi
tba \o/
GoGo Lepari <3 :)
WTF... bet on CZE pls ! :o
easy for iFIN
C'mon CZE!
easy for Lepari, lettu & Squall <3
You have € 82 on CZE
Possible win: € 1064.36
nice, FIN 1.08 - 13.37 CZE , gl cze :D my money on u
no muflon no win
no muflon, no fat boy in lineup ;]
Easy for if Squall play :) but GL for
muflon > [flag=cz]
[flag=fi] torspo
[flag=fi] twidi
[flag=fi] xpaz
[flag=fi] lepari
[flag=fi] cadein
[flag=fi] mikza
no mystic no win :p
gl and hf cze :)
omg mAus omg
You have € 2 on CZE
Possible win: € 27.46 lol
You have € 3 on cz CZE Cancel bet
Possible win: € 41.25

i can try...
score? :>
scores please?
fin 4:0 cze
supply - marv did mistake with taking flag , and bremen was close , wp both teams , and gl cz to next matches
mistake?not imo, he could choose different solution, but what he did was ok, just back luck and good rifles aim
there was not mistake, he did max,u cant judge him if you play like "unknown" no offense , maybe they were many mistakes by cze captain (me) like 20s spawns etc ...-
btw selfcritic is healthy!!!11 ;))
i didnt think when cze lost flag when he was backshoted , i though first round , when he almost catched it , he just should stay still touching the flag , ok , maybe it wasnt mistake , i wont play better , anyway everybody was sure about fin will win , it would be amazing if czechs win
btw flash : when you are watching match on ettv is something different then you play, you see every small mistake as big mistake , this could change results , but ok , you played well as all team
Shitty game, gl in the future.
nice game, CZE prooved themselves as good nation team, hope we can beat SWE finally - we played them 3times in history and 3lost. wp CZE! gratz FIN.

Who is korak btw? :O
Thx, man - killing machine ;)
tospo used nick "korak" and violated the rule: "players must use easily identifiable nicks which are the same as (or very closely resemble) those registered"

we got yellowcard cause of that :> honestly lolled when donex said that to me in irc!

rules are rules, for everybody
Man I am 100% for that rule, its quite anoying if you casting and donw who who the "faker is" and other thing is that is not profesional at all. Players should start to behave more serius at least at Cb NC and we can attract more people to eSport believe me :)
yeah overall we are all just trying to improve this eSports scene! I believe you man!
stop whining
Whining? Can't see any whine in my previous comment.
show me the part where I'm whining?
thx for 1.2 € xD
Lepari ftw