Estonia vs Latvia (16598 views)

ee Night
ee r3vers
ee Tarvo
ee vikat
ee gza
ee LudA
lv speedy
lv Clown
lv fuzz
lv dunno
lv vinyl
lv mata
Group B

CB Matchlink
31.01.08 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET Nationscup XI
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: mUnduS (Highadmin)
Maps: Bremen_b2
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 23992
The bets are closed.

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By: |T3C|^Monster
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Language: Estonian

Total Slots: 100
Listener Peak: 77

Enemy Territory TV
de ## -HoheLuft- ## | ETTV #2
By: Saeufer (ettvd)
de #andyF1 ettv Server 3
By: andyF1 (ettvd)
de Ana's ETTV #3 [old]
By: Anaconda (ettvd)
de OldMans - ETTV 3
By: 8Bits|Skydriver (ettvd)
de pWend!!! ETTV1
By: mUnduS (ettvd)
ua ClanBase ETTV
By: Bartichello (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 263


1st Eesti ofc
Lihtsalt liiga hea lup =]


HK ütles , et reload VIST ei saa pelada. Seega luda pelab prolly
omg gza?!
goooooooo my master! xD
gL latvia
no chance for eesti )))
LU plzz
Estonia has a pretty good lineup but have they practiced?
And how will Team Latvia success in their teamplay?

Good luck to both teams
EST ofcourse. Our vanjkas & dunjkas have no chance -.-
est for sur <3
been practicing hard, will be easy for us
sucks bets, but EST will take it!easy...
Hope EST will take it :)
go estonia !
go ee
izi fo reload and night
izi bash 4 eesti :>
gl latvians :)
2 much faggotry in 1 team
Hf Eesti !!
imo EESTI ;d GL all Latvia too
hf ee & lv
omg gza omg
NC winners (if they prepare a little bit :P)
gl est :D
seems liek latvia has same lineup every season :D for years now.. :D
and still dont have any teamplay :(
coz their population is 6.
7, dont forget Kurbads!
go team, go!
mata u r from eesti? :O
he is an immigrant !
eesti lineup is just :[OOOOOOOOOOOO]
GO gaz3ta
easy for est, r3vers, night, holz, reload<333
Let ludA play!!!
gza sure > all ;p np for gza :p (: GL LATVIA :P
Easy for Estonia xD
tarvo = holz?
EST 1.08 13.37 LAT
gl to latvia
gaz3ta back in et? :O LIE! i bet he wont play lol
Night r3vers RELOAd gza HOLZ LudA would be so fucking awesome :D
666 on EST ;)
fuzz will blow their sarcasm detectors so ez bash 4 latvia
go reload :O
u wanna say that 1 man will pwn all 6?
gl fuzz and reload, qw playors.
Luda from ex
izi one for est :)
whattaya mean unscheduled... this is too wrong
latvia will fail <3
easy for ludabot
why i cant drop my bet???
EESTI is going to take it but gl Latvia
Millal gza üldse viimati pelas?
Hehe, just got new Bimbot license keys for 5 users. Estonia is going down.
busted..cancel plz...latvia hax0rz..thnx
5 users? so some1 already has got a hax! :D
speedy already got busted, so he's not getting a new one
GL gaz3ta
easy for fuzz :p
gl dunno :DD
no Diablo = no win )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
will be close match sure
Gl fuzz <3
hf RELOAd !! :X
no elco - no win! :D
gl clown
You have € 25 on lv LAT Cancel bet
Possible win: € 200.25
gza is the best. fuck the rest.
Ee will take it, but Good Luck LATVIA !
gooo latvia
You have € 26 on lv LAT Cancel bet
Possible win: € 201.24

Clown and vynl !!!
You have € 50 on lv LAT Cancel bet
Possible win: € 436.5

worth a shot, heh? :)
mata playing for latvia? lol :)
too mutch slots !!!
all for estonia, don`t worry
luda takes it
gl gza <3
Nice match :-0
2-0 for Latvia
2-0 latvia

EST capped 5:26 on bremen.

2-2 now.

Latvia picks heads... Cointoss comes up heads!!!

Frost out... radar out... decider is goldrush.

Latvia set an astonishing time of 3:39 on goldrush!

EST manage to capture the tank 8 seconds faster.

...but run short on time at the bank. 4-2 Latvia.

Thank you for reading this play-by-play, good bye.
thx for money Latvia!
You have € 252 on ee EST
Possible win: € 284.76
thx ESTONIA :D now i have no money ...
4-2 latvia nice games to watch :)
You have € 168 on LAT
You won € 1471.68
wtf happend with Est in grush

omgomgomg!!!! :o
bimbot wins
bimbot forever! <3
thx for zeh money latvians <3
GL Latvia thx for money :D
You have € 10 on LAT You won € 87.6
You have € 100 on lv LAT
You won € 876
Is any ETTV server showing replay?
est= naps....
You have € 5 on lv LAT
You won € 43.8
oh wow!
You have € 2 on lv LAT
You won € 17.52
Win 219 e :D
WTF ?? sorry but WTF ? -> You have € 50 on ee EST
You lost

oh last bet...: (
147 € on EST Lost
Total Capital 0.24 €

spare any change????? :C
no reload, no win..))
reload is fucking nap, like the rest of team ee
omfg Estonia you are fucking shit
just admit that we are just good with our bimbots.
stfu fckn nap! zaebal pizdet uzhe!
Tbh i was gonna bet on you cause of fuzz and clown. I just saw that incredibly overrated shit estonia team and got pesuaded my teammates! :< Never again tho
fuck you retard, you suck to much that im feeling sorry for you

team uk jinosta sucks ass
etc suck balls

most of your team uk tryouts got raped by medskilled team atleast team est didnt get raped by medskills.

fuck off tard really
h3h3 oldschool legends owned by fuZzZZzz
indeed, in bremen Estonian oldschool players got owned by fuZzZZzz.
omg wtf
You have € 50 on lv LAT
You won € 438

You have € 394 on lv LAT
You won € 3451.44
and who is the boss in town now Esti ? who? ;D wp Latvia.
lost 80 euro :<
lol -_-
fuck off RELOAd i was ur fanboy n.1 but since u didnt play and ur team got pwn:(
gza owned :(
gl in next match

( 50 € on EST Lost )
Latvia plays this lineup every year with hax0r speedy... and at Estonia from active players were a current night and r3vers... I'm assured, that they don't train, and gza, hk and vikat did not play more thaт 1 year..
speedy has lowest damage hack.
i'm in no way active atm, I was kinda like semi-active before cpc3 already...
hea mäng Sinu poolt siiski ;)
gza, hk and vikat returned and think about ET seriously? or this cup is only a fun for them ? I'm just curious...
<3 gl & hf
made my day thx :)
pizdets.aleni na xui
lolypoly 3:39 @ goldrush, was great match.
btw, lost money ;d
lol est suxs hard -.-
same shit, russian assholes
You have € 160 on EST
You lost owned
You have € 25 on lv LAT
You won € 219
You have € 10 on lv LAT
You won € 87.6
You have € 194 on ee EST

estis fucked me up :|
Latvia lucky :D
lol .. this is the shamest lost ever besides that match against slovenia.
keke polish power! (bimbot ofc)
You have € 41 on lv LAT
You won € 359.16