Supski vs Team Ego (5240 views)

21.02.13 21:45 CET
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League: | CB ET 6on6 Ladder » Matchlink | |
Hosting: | ClanBase | |
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Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 39
Viewer Peak: 39

team uk pracing hard
team polak estonia and finland praccing hard
this sherlook
her cock*
Merc Team...
No R0SS No Win !
izi for skillowyRobert, widze ze nawet UK dla ciebie to nic xD
No kapot no win
detz pls quit this game !
zou je ook ni doen als jij gebust was
Ben ik gestopt met ET dan nee ik speel etpro zonder tzac en ik speel jaymod :D!
Ben ik gestopt met ET dan nee ik speel etpro zonder tzac en ik speel jaymod :D!
Good luck fumBle owner ! :D!
gl supski & metsuri + sinnu
gl supski
nice stabbing t4mj while keeping yourself in the team
and yeah, hf fuckin backstabber, but from my heart I wish that to supski since I spent some time with them
gl Sinnu & Metsuri the biggest spammer in #et.gather history

you pussy?
fumble mad though
you're the one going for forfeits on a ladder with 9 teams
you're the one bragging about being #1 on a ladder with 9 teams
me? :D maybe fumble trolls with that stuff, not me.
you=team aka fumble
bullshit. still you proved you're sad though. forfeits 2k13 :xd
what forfeit? we won
you wouldn't let us reschedule so he had to pull out a merc lineup
bragging about #1 2k13 made me do that
so you were pushing for a forfeit because you're biased against fumble. gg wp.
me? biased? never
all you're odc are biased anyway you put poland in the easy brackets every time :D
Please provide examples of bias towards Polish national team.
team uk scared, cba to play. gl ego!
everyone is playing other games. fumble didn't make sure any of us could play.
<lewcins_> no reschedule
<lewcins_> NOSHOW
<lewcins_> no reschedule
<lewcins_> NOSHOW
robaciek is such a dick its unbelievable
everything for the win
he still goes for forfeits in 2k13 :D
still brags about #1 in ladder in 2k13
theres a difference between trolling around and actually being serious about taking forfeits :D
hey did I take it? could also take forfeit cuz you using people not on CB :XD
You would have taken it as I asked for a reschedule and you said you would take a forfeit for no show.
Lol totally
1[20:18] <fumble> nah reschedule
01[20:18] <fumble> we wont play tonight
[20:18] <lewcins_> noshow then
[20:18] <lewcins_> bb #1
01[20:18] <fumble> we wont play tonight
[20:18] <lewcins_> noshow then
[20:18] <lewcins_> bb #1
[19:05:14] <fumble> not losing number 1 spot
[19:05:18] <fumble> by playing with noobs
[19:05:18] <fumble> by playing with noobs
what relevance does this have?
you serious=me serious
I'm pretty sure you refused to let us reschedule before I said this. (ps do you get some kinda buzz from people flaming you or something?)
nah, my log is from very begining, just after we agreed on time and shit
You're the real winner fumble :D
dick is such a robaciek its unbelievable
<3 my team for such awesome carrying
You have 95 on
You won 673.55
WP :)
You won 673.55
WP :)
n1 freeze!
You have 250 on eu
You won 1772.5
You won 1772.5
I am sorry but with such a huge lineup change I don't think this match should count... it is really a complete joke. 2 merc teams playing. Come on admins reschedual this, I was looking forward to a good game not a public server bash.
ye sorry mate, some of our players couldn't play tonight, so I asked robaciek kindly if we could reschedule but he said that he would take the forfeit for noshow so I had to gather some mercs quick, I did change the time so you could adjust your bets but I guess not everyone can see that in time, I'm up for cancelling the game so that people can get their money back. :)
bets were locked after you moved it to 21:45 anyway
+ Robaciek also changed his lineup multiple times, thus the lineup was different from the original agreed lineup, therefore the game should be cancelled as it's unfair to the people that bet with their hard earned money.
hey I told you about my changes long before game, your fault that you didn't update matchinfo! and 2 changes only, freeze in for fanatic who decided he wants to play LoL and t4mj stabbed so we can get Swani to carry me even more
even if you did change you shouldn't get a high player for a med player.
Why? I did that cuz a)Swani asked b)was sure you would take sqzz or someone like that
shouldn't assume stuff like that, and I asked you multiple times what ur lineup would be and you gave me a link, I then also said I would brb a while so I wasn't able to update the game.
why not? it's supski's typical lineup mr #1 in ladder
Sorry but how is the likes of testi, stary etc the normal lineup? I mean Stary is low+? RAGE!
you misread that. sqzz and koop and rest is typical lineup and they were listed there before
sqzz has never played with supski @ 6v6 ladder
damn that seems correct. ross/phyzic then though
I honestly didn't get why everyone used to flame you, I even thought you was a nice guy, but I guess you're just a dick :D
only sometimes, can be nice when I want to
Sorry for the loss fumble mate :)
You'll bash em next time
You'll bash em next time
Well said you sexy fuck
Better mix won. GG.
mix ? all players from team ego are on its roster @ cb
That doesnt change the fact that the lineup is mix lmao
You have 35 on eu
You won 248.15
thx sinnu :D ... and roba <3
You won 248.15
thx sinnu :D ... and roba <3
Dear Fumble, brah just know that Robert can't beat the real Supski lu bro he just wanna take win while he can
Dear whoever u are, lick his ass while u can, thanks brah.
Whoever I am? Nigga plz U been accusing me of hacks many times
Niggas be like "Hacker"
they just jelly of ur skill :)
people mad cuz lost numero uno in ladders in 2013 !:D!
I don't care about number 1. I care about how robaciek acts.
[23:24:15] <fumble> you're gonna have to wait for auto accept
[23:24:16] <fumble> soz
trying to keep #1 for extra week <3
[23:24:16] <fumble> soz
trying to keep #1 for extra week <3
you are all trying to hard to be like kams with your excuses of "blablabalala whatever i say its a troll"
I never troll, of course being number 1 on the 6on6 ladder means something to me cause I haven't played this game for as long as most of you guys, but I'm saying I'm not mad at losing number 1, I'm just mad at how Robaciek acted.
u in the uk? wanna meet up?? ill smash your polak face back into poland
u in the uk? wanna meet up?? ill smash your polak face back into poland
cu at piccadilly circus in 1 hour dickhead.
lol just saw you, the polak begging outside the station ;D
np for 2 euro bro
np for 2 euro bro
FUMBLE MATE - After reading this crap from Robaciek I have assembled an Avengers type lineup to smash this ugly polak.
Schedule the game - let me know the date and we will get the number 1 spot back for you pal. You deserve it!
Schedule the game - let me know the date and we will get the number 1 spot back for you pal. You deserve it!
you need to beat Cheer! to get #1
Some very serious bissness going here (c)Metsuri
some stuff I cant read this much happened here gg
gg metsuri
I thought supski were playing..?
ye me 2 dno who these guys are playing under the supski flag :/ except the 8th wonder of course
Fucking fakers...
widze ze zachowales sie jak szmata ;/
się wozili to mają :XD
GG Robaciek, you did what you had to do :)
eeee kurwa co to za team w supski kurwa mialbyc razz sqzz kurwa tez a tu chuj wie.. sprzedali sie i chuj
ale najwazniejsze ze robert pierwszy raz nie poniosl kleski xD wierzylem w ciebie skillorze ty </3
ale najwazniejsze ze robert pierwszy raz nie poniosl kleski xD wierzylem w ciebie skillorze ty </3
supply to byłą klęska :XD
so true mate good point
wtf is this supski lineup, real supski would have raped the shit out of those noobs
long story mate :D
You have 45 on supski
You lost
It's not possible -_-
You lost
It's not possible -_-
nerd fight