Supski vs inteRaction (4948 views)

gb Artstar
gb fumble
gb owZo
cz Green_Clon
cz Rifleman
nl Testi

CB 3on3 Ladder
23.02.13 00:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: fumbl (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
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Total Pot: € 8180
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 14


hf Supski :)
00:50 Testi • skilled merc avi for 3o3 offie .q

Oppos time in GR 3.16



fumble must be like godlike here gg

update#1 testi getting carried on SupplyDepot
update#2 expected
Worst attack ever on supply by us :D
basic doublefullhold nothing new to see here!
was that the fastest grush time ever? :D
You have € 250 on eu supski
You won € 592.5
if I don't get deathspree award after that supply attack.. :d
You've redeemed yourself on deffence :P ggs
you did mate, its ok
testi med+
i might be retard but your still the most overrated player in ET histroy, cunt, over and out
glad that u cant say that same argument to me :D! Since i have won you always : D
no man, honestly, it is not a hate, just u claiming to be mid+ or even more skilled and then losing like this all the time, just funny
<lullaby> 3v3 med+

if you would atleast once introduce yourself as med and not skilled... It would be more truthful

coz if we are realistic you are overrating urself way too heavy
imo ur worse in 6on6, but this is just my opinion, but gl mr skilled guy :)
nice, my posts are deleted:D anyway. hf flaming me in every next war.
got screenshot lol:D
doesnt matter lol. still mad cause you are flaming me randomly. you can keep it. do whatever you want with it:). you can keep hating on me, hf in rl with your voice:)
lol, nice argument bro, epic fail, big hater
shut up boring twat
lol speedy bozar takes a word, feels like dog is shitting in my back yard
Oh boy, feel sorry for your retardness...
You should feel sorry for yours instead.
bob.cze = bobika ;P not bozar
Post it!!! !:D
Without being a massive cock, why were the odds against us..?
fumble outdamaged artstar
But have you seen Artstar's movie?
if fumble outdamaged him
that can only mean
fumble will make a better movie