DJOS.STYLE vs muze (3256 views)

fr kavinsky
fi Swanidius
gb fumble
gb razz
be dooppi
nl kARMA

CB 3on3 Ladder
23.02.13 02:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: fumbl (Requestee)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
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Total Pot: € 8284
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 11


gl razz
gl fumble
gl swani
gl karma
gl swani! better roll now:)
I can feel the heat!!!!1111111
You have € 197 on DJOS
Possible win: € 2084.26
You have € 3824 on mUZE
Possible win: € 5774.24
swani go sleep pls
playing since 14cet...
I lost now i punish myself

No ET for 1 week
I blame myself I played so dumb :<
Then u will come with me to the penalty box...

In the penalty box you must think 3 days what went wrong... 1 day focusing to get ur self-esteem back and the rest mindfocusing mentally speedybozar style
You have € 250 on ax mUZE
Possible win: € 377.5
lol fumble more kills then swani, wtf is this swani, med+? searching skilled:$:$:$? wtf?
ff hard zijn he
bugged stats. I demand the right ones!
doesnt matter, its quite clear how bad you are:D. fucking noob
higher dmg than fumble, its pretty good for him imo.
stats not bugged, one of the few stats that's actually 100% correct :P