Supski vs priests+ (3432 views)

gb fumble
gb razZ
gb owZo
it vj7o
fr An7ho
nl Testi
26.02.13 00:45 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: fumbl (Requestee)
Maps: Supply

Total Pot: € 2660
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 15


Testi in every team zLOL
well, i counted and its your 47th offie this month:( i will bow for you, leadeR!
I lost like only 6 :D
LOL fumble i lost only 6 :D
fumble new razz?
Change "won" to "lost" and your statement is correct
Meant the 46 offis a month ;s
Yeah and I was making a pun to that :(

"razz: I won only 6"

Damn explaining jokes sucks :/:\/;:<\
lol again me:/
get a life rly:$
offi #37 in 30 days
wszystko na razz kurwa You have € 150 on eu supski
Possible win: € 241.5
gl razzi
and still low.
dat testi guy :D
gl razz fumble
gl both teams <3
An7ho noob
gg lag:/ wp supski though
ggs wp shame testi was lagging :<
no revives no win ET</3
gg wp shame testi was lagging :< otherwise they would have won

its not that you are rolling them on a regular basis:
noob D:
so true :'( the more i play the worse i get, and i was already shit to begin with! :S still nerding on csgo noobastian ?
haha fabien :D
Testi je hebt je tijden wel gehad :$ !