#erAse.et Runo<3 vs Exorcists (4331 views)

fi toNi
nl esSe
gb niPsu
fi dTEC7
gb Rhys
in rAmbo
cz ElANiUS
cz crAsh
fi Swanidius
cz mnewcko
ro Stary

CB 6on6 Ladder
04.03.13 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: dtect (Requestee)
Maps: Radar
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 19115
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 18


nerdi :D
GoOdluCk #erAse.et !
please, get off the internet
Do not want luck from cheaters thank you /!\
izi for
izi for Exo :)
gl erase and elanius
rAmbo: r u playin the offi? :s
chrism8: yes u mad

guys you know whom to bet on.
bet on nipsu for
eA eu 1.18 35.49 cz exo

yes they do paki
Big ego, small dick.
you would know if it was small or not
easy for erase ! xx
gl dihteg
gl Snatix
Gamestv budget getting lower and lower, but I am saying easy money >D

You have € 40 on exo
Possible win: € 530.8

CYPIS and Stary will deliver >)
gl Stary
gl stary
Gamestv's working, but can't go on any other site / TS or play ET. Nice ddos erAse
cant let such a stronk player play on the opponent team m8, hope u understand
It's ok mate. But seriously how can i fix it? just rebooted my computer, can't go anywhere ( fb, cf, youtube..) only can open gamestv. ET and TS aren't working either
part of the master plan
where are you baby?:D
read my reply to dtect :P
i see... :-) gl at gamestv :D see you next time mate! :D
Well played
esse good
You have € 7750 on eA
You won € 9222.5

You have € 70 on exo
You lost

no Snatix no win
no Snatix no win
That's odd, why would you sit on your chair refreshing this match page just to post "No Snatix no win"? if nothing else worked on your end? :s
My computer doesn't allow me to play ET anymore it seems :[
i guess someone installed anti-nerd software on your PC
Knew why i voted for toNi as best rifle this year(before it was changed to ever :( )..
You have € 250 on cz exo
You lost

You have € 45 on eu eA
You won € 53.55

You have € 666 on eA
You won € 792.54

Flying hovno master carrying cikanis like a bo double s
si myslite ,kdyz me vymenite za Staryho nebo swanidiuse ze to vyhrajete? pls.. kluci :D to jste se jeste neponaucili... :-)
tak s touhle mezinarodni myslenkou prisel elan ze jo :D si chtel zaspeakovat anglicky ale crash s cypisem moc nechteli no ....priste to musis udelat jak ja ....3 hodiny pred offi mu napsat a plazit se pred nim aby ti dal sanci :DDD