Team Ego vs greejtsjot (7034 views)

pl Robert
fi Metsuri
fi Swanidius
fi crittie
nl SQuid
ee Sinnu
mt toxic
de Oxy
be eron
be Azur
fi vokki
is phyzic
fr StrAf
fr An7ho
be Buzzer

CB 6on6 Ladder
10.03.13 20:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Robert (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 36175
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 50


i wanna play it :(
eron should have slot left, I'm awaiting confirmations from players :x
I asked already for a 6th, waiting for his answer so cant tell u yet if I got a spot left or not
I didnt steal anyone mate... He asked me..
Imma blame Cupra then since he obviously seems upset :D
Excuse me?
[17:32:00] <phyzic> Cupra
[17:32:06] <@Cupra> what
[17:32:08] <phyzic> ill play with you on sunday
[17:32:20] <@Cupra> :D?
[17:32:22] <phyzic> cant be arshed with the alien language
see, he adressed you! your fault!
avi mate, skilled with awp
if need just write here same for robert
dunno where to find him :|
saw phyzic in last game under ego's team, now he's in opposite team wow. a battle of who's gonna take more mercs. gl grzesiek
he actually said he will play for ego, but 6 minutes later he changed team :X
gl roba
shouldnt phyzic prac hard with team Iceland to bash polaks ?
haha prac? we are to cool for that
gl v56{
both teams got rifle
smg? :D
eron take this guy as smg!
fu I hate u now
i c what u did there
game on ET killer, game on
u can rifle for us if u want, Cupra has to play with team NL
Avi for this if someone needs ;)
bonne chance StrAf
gracze teamu cwel7 niestety nie są mile widziani
mad :)
0% mad
ok niech ci bedzie
jestem w TP i lowki na jaymodzie oskrażają mnie o haxy. czym ty się łochu w ET możesz pochwalić?
mam stabilna prace :) zarabiam i nie zebram od mamy i babci :) to jest zycie co :)
a w et doskonale wiesz nie musze ci neandertalczyku przypominac :) o :)
pytałem tylko o ET, moja praca jest daleka od stabilności :x
TESTI Sunday, 10th March 2013 01:07
well robert, you proved why we didnt want to play with you here:D
<`brAhi> ja gram poprawnie
<robaciek> jestem tygrysem szablozebnym!
Robert vs. Phyzic
pojedynek tytanów przed starciem w NC!
dZisiaj pokarasz Robert !?
go troll for the other team m1tja idiot
im not even trolling u idiot
Only players that have been registered as clan member for 24 hours or more are allowed to play for their new clan. Unregistered players, players violating the 24-hour rule and registered clan members who use a different nick or GUID from the one registered on CB will be considered freelancers.
wow for now on u r the most retarded guy in et
Go kill some other game!
Quote by Specula 24 Feb 2013, 20:23who cares about tzac and et these days
have to add + cb rules ;)
holy shit you are the biggest braincripple this game has ever known
I heard Team NL needs you.
gl v56 :)
gl vokki & Cupra
swaniiiiiiiiiiiiiii <3333333
No Cupra and bets changed... :D

An7ho instead tho hahahah
GL Team Ego
now its even worse too bad robamadciek :)
No ET killers on server, mucho happy
toxic not in clanbase team ;)
vokki, straf and an7ho not there aswell
what a shame !
too stronk! :D wp <3
wp mate
zrob mu laske, moze dostaniesz lekcje gry rifla.
na laniku coś taki pyskaty nie byłeś :XD
Nie bylo potrzeby.
You have € 1800 on be v56
You won € 3906
You have € 836 on v56
You won € 1814.12