ReFLX vs SSTAT (3505 views)

fr Kaisen
fr Snatix
fr Francais
fi latee

CB 2on2 Ladder
05.03.13 17:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Kaisen (Requestee)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
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Total Pot: € 0
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Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 7


Nice total pot
go #SSTAT!
toujours pas gagné contre nous apricot...
Ouais ouais c'est ça, toi avec ta gueule de merde t'as déjà tout perdu ...
Good mood! :D!

Red Shirt SSTAT FRANCAIS 109 deaths
Are these pliers sharp? SSTAT FRANCAIS 26 deaths without fragging
<Fruits-Apricot> comment t'es passé de la main à la east en 3s ?
<Fruits-Apricot> à la fin

Je t'avais dis qu'il allais me demandé Snatix ! good mood :D!
Fruits-Apricot:i'm med+ skill DG 9258 DR 12296 med+ skillor gg
so? dmg is not important , he can outaim everyone ..
Ta ale z jego high ego ma i tak btw na kazdym mixie wpierdol dostaje wiec niech ogarnie zabojad jebany
ye rly funny idiot ha ha ha
I was not even playing with the hearth really guys. There are the ones who have no lives at all and who are at their home 24h/24 7/7 and who sleep 15 hours a day. This is not really my case. I was very tired.

And, I am non-nerd certified ... so please ... :D!
Are these pliers sharp? SSTAT FRANCAIS 26 deaths without fragging