37th Division - German Squad vs 6 angels (5037 views)

de w0nd3r
de Nero / Blocca
de skat
de fenda
de T.Spark
de Lucky
ru Mighty^bro
fi Snipu
gb unblind
fi LAURi
ru Daka
xx tba
24.01.08 20:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 Ladder
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: T.Spark (Requestee)
Maps: Bremen_b2

Total Pot: € 3389
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de #37th ETTV 1
By: T.Spark (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 24


low skill match
izi bash for banda :]
m8 , let us just try to do our best ...
& I wouldn't say anything about easy win for smb at least untill the end of 1st map.

omg , Don't bet on us guys , I am skilled only @ pwning girls in sauna
& low- max in et
Good luck bandas. :) Snipu will pwn everyone! :D
gl 37th ;)
go girls go!

6ahga is tooo much
low skill match!
ftw m8ts
izi bash 4 banda!
izi bash to banda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #6ahga @ Qnet mofos!
fan of your own team? gg
cu @ battlefield :DDDD
do you have the same shitty connection like lauri?
izi bash for banda <3
serious business
high skilled match!!!
gl banda<3 gl 37th w0nd3r :D:D <3
gl banda<3
lineup for tomorrow will be 6 guys of following 7 :

ru Mighty Brother(cl)
ru Kit
ru Daka (?)
fi SKrya
fi Snipu
gb Unblind
lv Elco
gl el-co.
gl 37th
GL & HF w0nd3r
My bets on 37th : gimme gimme money :D
ez bash for mighty br0 <33 gl
Which is the better team
Watch @ 20.30 :P
but i wanna bet and i lost so much money last time
37th is a lot better, those other guys are a bunch of noob public players.

Bet on 37th! :)
if wonder no win
ty for your lowcomment, m8 <3
Why is this on ETTV? I thought ETTV was only for skilled teams... Guess I was wrong.
you only create this comment cos you hate blocc4 damn much :XD
What skill would you say 37th is?
doesn't matter. the main point is that we've a lot of fun :)
Well that's a nice thought. <3 you all, and gl!
thank you all the same :o)
I doubt you can point a rule that says gamestv is for highskilled clans only.
Dude I'm just saying...
since i dont know banda
gl yermans
gl w0nd3r, T.Spark and the rest of 37th...

you roXx
gl 37th, was wond3ring where´s srgn the nolifah . . . alive ?
gL banda.
lol elco lol
kak govoril LiNtu: "plz, ebalom xlop, spasiba " :D
tebja zabqli sprositj umnik..
gud lak
haha gl
gl 37th! hope you win
krosan is ho mo
gl blocca
gl 37th
even ME owned snipu@cbmatch a time ago loller:)
hf wundertüte
pffff, snipu own all you noobs....
these ettv sevrers are offline and laggy....
idd, no server works
Servers are fucked up, nizeee...
gg wp 4-2 for banda
thanks zet, KNCH :>
ez money
keke :XD
You have € 35 on rubanda
You won € 64.4