EDiT vs Trivium (10323 views)

30.01.08 19:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Miscellaneous
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: gnajdaTHEhaxx (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced

Total Pot: € 17964
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de ## -HoheLuft- ## | ETTV #1
By: blAckmAmbA (ettvd)
nl #UnitedGameservers.nl-ETTV
By: xArQi (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 87


gl dummy (leet tjer)

gl hedos,radziu and gnajda
Trivium Lineup
pl/ee gnajda
pl RadZiu
pl dummy
funny that you comment your lineup but don'e add it to the match properly as you ARE the match manager!
gl trivium, gl edit :)
gl lio 8D
gogogogoggg TRIVIUM!
easy for [T]
npforT haxx > skill

Hope u die on a car accident T
well scorch...
we played vs. both of them
edit showed real skill and won 4:2 vs. us
trivium turned their hax on and played 4:0 vs. us

so.. gl to edit
but still.. trivium's hax will win
still nicely done vs edit. something else i missed?
only that T are maSSafuckas and EDiT dont want to play again against us? nope, dont think so...
EDiT dont want to play again against us? nope, dont think so... `????????????????????????????????
u dont needto understand that :9
thats strange mister.iwillalwayslie
you should stop talking shit about other cheaters
so very very true. some day u'll all get busted and its nice to have friends when ur down :* ur spitting in ur own bowl, tbh. and besidez, it getting 2 obvious.
hes busted for cheating himself, thats why i said it
stfu with busted. Gimme the link o great cheatbuster!
ey retard its better for you to calm down cheater friend
easy for Trivium
hax to the max
you should become a rapper
hf T gl EDiT :)
gl Trivium
edit with mAus...or was it just for ec??
ez bash 4 bimboteam
gl dummy =D & gnida :D ( " co tam robisz kacie ? baka walisz ? XDDDD)
for once i wish edit wins
Radziu wiem gdzie chodzisz do technikum masz wpierdol XDDDDDDDD (glagol mi wszystko powiedzial)
easy bash for this fucking hacker team,but on gamestv,i think they will put his hack lower than against us.
hope on edit. :/
I doubt [T] are cheating, especially if they request ettv. They just play 3o3 24/7, lag, lean & lame. Have fun playing them EDiT!
Can't wait to see gnajda'skill on ETTV.
NP for gnajda's bimbot
ez bash ;)
what cup or league is this?
EDiT lineup??
Np For Trivium
edit lineup!?
im guessing gnajda bet on himself this match..

* Total Money 35.00 € Total Capital 60 € *

which made me cancel my bet on edit :(
You have € 25 on pl T Cancel bet
Possible win: € 90.75

gl gnajwhda & lio (if he plays?)

QuoteTRIVIUM match report
lol radari , u are fucking no skill, and nirv and mr C too... Sandi have fucking humanized aimbot, without human he is fucking noob like u ;o
By gnajda_ (Trivium Inactive Nr 1 Stopwatch 2on2 (Europe) ladder Nr 3 Stopwatch 3on3 (Europe) ladder)
1 November 2007
You have € 32 on pl T Cancel bet
Possible win: € 110.08

hf ;d
4-2 for hackers, np !
nice ettv...
they probably decided it's too risky to cheat on ETTV
shit i thought 6v6...
|-| ETC |-| ETTV #1 hhlft.de:28000 <- that ip doesnt work. works.
unexpected that the forceserver is not working, suckyballmultigayming 8<
2:0 T
heh =)
4-0 for team hax
yep 4:0 for T
someone just give them a hardware ban, I'm really getting sick of these kinda bastards
:DDD:D:D:D geld verloren zeker...klote polen!
Ech wel, ik had het kunnen weten, opknopen aan de hoogste boom dat tuig. Vorige maand waren ze nog low+
hahah strak plan jaja dat is twee week spelen en highskill worden wat een natuurtallenten zijn het toch -,-
OOW. You have € 3000 on be EDiT :DDD i has no muni! Triviumd00ds were hacking? :p because when i have played against them they werent good at all
teams were?
pl haxors ftw
delete obvious cheaters
4:0 for T
gg wp
EDiT ego quit ^.^

izi money ^.^
egoquit? :\
Do you like playing against cheater ? oh sorry, u are perhaeps a cheater yourself :<
i dont like play with cheaters... but they shouldn't quit;/
rofl t fucking hackers *silence i kill you*... i hate this polish retards...
plz dont be so angry... not all polish players are cheaters ....
it was izi bash 4 trivium :<
true but i think it is eazy to win against skillorz with cheatz or?
if i had programs i could do it on my own ...
just update the score, i want to say hello to my money
shut up... this match will be canceled and trivium get a bust...
if u understand *shut up* than SHUT UP
i do, but i'm not really concerned about you saying that. hit your head against the wall angryboy.
gimme some proof... everybody says that they are haxing but noone had ever shown me any proof...
match ended already?
you have bet 5 euro on edit ...you lost :<
I dont get why edit accepted the match.
I was going to ask the same question.

What cup/league was that for ?
I couldn't refuse it since it was an equal match and i prosponed to the date longest away so ..
dno who played for edit?
nop, didnt watch the game.
You won € 35.46 ty :D
man u rock: set's Gambling Stats ( Rank 2,380 / 2,679 )
You have € 21 on pl T
You won € 82.74
pl Thx 4 $$
You have € 421 on be EDiT
You lost
Trivium xiiter unexspected
You have € 48 on pl T
You won € 189.12

cheaters won =)
why cheaters, have u a exhibits ?
well.. i was to lazy to check the latest forced demos
100+ ping rly annoyin (:
can u send me your ping cheat too ?
Believe me, I wish I had stable 50
thx for money
and the cheaters won, unexpected?!
Well dont know what the EDiT line up was saw vila didnt play so dont know if they played with best line up + Dont rlly know if EDiT is that active ATM probally they will be active before CDC again
You have € 245 on pl T
You won € 965.3