USA vs Sweden (13315 views)

us alea35
us Ceres
us joker
us matt
us ppE
us TheEnd
se alexL
se jONAS
se nuggan
se slajdan
se tornis
se Weslann

ClanBase ET NationsCup XVI
Upper Bracket Round 1
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET NationsCup XVI » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: ohurcool (Highadmin)
Maps: Supply
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Total Pot: € 64333
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By: DtSje
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Language: English

Viewer Peak: 123

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 93

Overall Viewerpeak: 216


Taking lady macbeth out for another date? :p
u cant be serious ;)
waiting on newbje's essay on why they lost the game
Got my notepad, waiting on second lecture on 'American economy vs Polsh economy'.
yea thats you fatass
Is that some kind of attempt to flame me?
cmon se the faster non-eu teams will be out of tournament the better for the competition.
lol invest your money in a better EU team. sweden is only going to get beat worse than before
I was like... wtf this match has been played... and i won so much e-money on USA

but wait where is my e-money... maybe i was in the future? It felt so awesome

then i discovered the flame and cancelled score :s shit

first i loose on france because they dont use karnaj... and now this :((
e-money serious buisness
Myself and Voice will be covering this match and are especially looking forward to it after all the smack talk that has been happening. Catch all the action at!
you should have me guest commentate on this so i can give you indepth anaylsis of the crater faces on sweden
Hopefully won't be too onesided! Good to see you casting more and more =)
Go sweden take those random jaymoders, 4:0 for sweden easy !!
gL boyS
biggz you just made my day, that was fucking hilarious xDDDDDDDDDDDDD
TITES gotta Play this time come on !!
played all games except for this most exciting one :( im on 3 weeks vacation
lol nice flag mate
Damn :( I'll be back home in two weeks TITES for sum games :D u better get ur ass back
gL boyS

dis tax this time round sweden gonna go all out
I'm surprised that the USA are even allowed to keep on playing in this season after all this ridicilously bad behaviour
We all are :)
People flame all the fucking time, and I even made a post regarding this kind of behavior long time ago on crossfire, and people like Weslann flamed me and saying this isn't apart of the reason why people don't bother with et.

If you also want people back this "community" has to be alot better. always the same retards flaming and spewing nonsense. wouldn't blame anyone who got tired of it and left

Quote20 w:et as in your gf cause i flamed her?
People dont quit cause of the flame

Quotethe majority of the team doens't even play ET anymore, except in NC-officials, including me which I see as the only "fun" in ET and I dont want kids like them to ruin it.

I don't see a difference, just because some people don't play in NC doesn't mean they don't have fun in et. and when kids flame it ruins the fun, period. So it sounds like to me, some people just got butthurt, because there's apparently a "rule" against flaming in NC, when people should just have some common sense and not flame at all, trash talk once in awhile is okay but what USA did was over the limit and no one should deal with that when they wanna play a game.
agree !!!
but i think the only reason is, that this game isnt activ enough nowadays
gl weslann :)) destroy bitch USA 62 319 60 97 13 0 4 9 8863 12736
You have € 55 on SWE
Bet was cancelled, you were reimbursed.
Lol again =D
Good luck Sweden
not sure if ppe can match his performance from the first game
gonna be an interesting match
No Nuggan = no win, good luck USA !!
good luck sweden ;)

Go go go :D
gl slaj & wes! and the little cupcake
Izi Weslann, jonas cupcake destroy them!
GL weslann beb!! Go sweden :)))
dags o toppa med mig, nugget o fuchs nu...

ni skämmer ju ut er!
GL Wes <3 Show them the Keen-Effort :D
GL grappar!
Kasta in Blackie för vinst...
gooooooo TUPAC!!
where's the f.. is kardon? injured again? :P
prolly overdosing on codeine r something dno xD
I hope for nice shoutcast show from dts
replace weslan with nuggan or alexL rofl
gonna join ettv, do alt+console for fullscreen console and just read the flame

Dis gon b gut
Go USA!!!!!
GO GO sweden WESLANN <3
goodluck usa and weslann
You have € 183 on se SWE
Possible win: € 545.34
gl ikea ;)
NuggaN has finally entered the show
my money on crazy Weslann
NuggaN has finally entered the show
Make me rich Sweden!! Gl nuggan
how much dick you have to suck to get benched by a player that doesn't play anymore
omg alexl! gl!
alexl+nuggan= usa egoquit
gl joker nuggan
we needed gl vs the cb nerds
gl ngn & tornis :)
my nigguh Nuggan
gl alexL nuggan slajdan
BYE USA :pppppppppppp
bit of a joke tbh
wp usa
well played mate! (: 62 319 60 97 13 0 4 9 8863 12736 114 0/0 4/4 53/51 7/29 148 131 4 7

wp weslann
I feel bad for the SC D:

Total BS
gogo guys, go for a show match!
ohh god what a bunch of nerds... tried to watch et game for first time in a approx year and because of this shit goldorak who is 4eyed zyklon-b mutant ruins everything
hehehe sweden win by forfiet
They had to find out some day. LOL.
ye xD think most ppl knew xD
Who the fuck cancels a match on a dead game?
well we already seen from last match how much Sweden wanted to win lol we probly could have beat them 5v6 owell
anim carries alot of weight
who was the Canadian? pretty sure i raped in every match this season so i dont need nobody to hold my nuts
we didn't have 6 without him and usa community isn't exactly big
no there's exactly 5 players in whole country unless you can rehab kardon off pills
goldorak we all love you u'r the best :))
Sweden WIN It was a fast game XD
what happened?
USA used anim multiple times
k ty bro <4
did i log into the internets for this?
usa using fake player to get swe forfeit win and avoid getting slaughtered by nuggan

we raped nuggan in swed vs usa scrims few weeks ago nice try
USA is brisket, fuck this pompous country, go go Europa :))))
i would see nuggan :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(
usa trolling hard :p
wtf happened to the ettv server?
USA tried playing with ca bN

this is obviously not allowed
did he actually play in the previous game (think it was vs ee) ?
he been secretly playin for a while now, only a few people knew.
and CB found out just now? :D
dead game, not the greatest league... shit happens.
a bit retarded
and which one was he faking? joker?
he originally connected with ppE's TZAC account, then left and came back with joker's TZAC account while joker got onto ppE's TZAC account
So they all can possibly be tzac banned for sharing accounts and banned from CB?
chaplja doesn't ban for sharing accounts unless there is cheating involved, but yes there will most likely be a CB ban or two
why would bN fake joker? joker has one of the best shots on team USA, while bN plays smarter. it would be best to have both :D
I wasn't asking you. besides I don't know what the fuck is going on, seems like alot of tzac switching so I just assumed
fucking retards
Wat happens when u play with inactive players
LOL job well done team
The_end officially th worst USA captain ever
yes, azuki for 2014
Lmao usa maddddd
USA needed anim to get passed el salvador
lol team USA cheat in back to back matches
shut the fuck up you idiot
Has anyone heard from Tupac? I'm worried he has commit suicide after being, probably the main reason they were kicked out of cup and anim being banned.
his comment:

Quote by Tupacjust wanted to say that the match i played in was a 4-2 victory

Why team usa is full of retarded morons who felt the need to play anim against a team we shit on with the likes of me and godfather playing is beyond me. Sweden you are still a bunch of toolbags who got shit_on. End should be banned for life for ruining a great NC experience for all
Good to hear :)
Finally he/they confirm that they are retards(?).
Hopefully they are gonna come back next year even stronger and more mature, with another captain who can control his team from peoples like Tupac, The_end and whoever they were who decided to break the rules and keep flaming because I doubt it was everyone in the team.
We were afraid you might end your life so we had to stop insulting you. We are sorry if our trash talk resulted in your horrible team getting shit stomped 6-0. Please don't kill yourself, we heart you.
Haha, nice that you care, but you kept flaming/spamming until you almost(should've) got kicked out of the cup but u got another chance but as stupid you americans are, you succeded to break the rules again... It was not because of the trashtalk(even though it might have helped), you were the better team that night but thanks to your stupidy you were kicked out of the cup and had another played banned.

You dont need to worry about me by the way, I dont even play ET (anymore), I mostly played NC-officials the last years and I'm not going to play the next game/s because mainly because I thought we were gonna boycott NC, but the others decided to continue and because there are better players than me :)
But keep playing ET day and night and come back stronger next year, goodluck.
His name is gum drop.
so ee should play vs ee and hr vs fr ...
and everyone who played for us with ca players should be banned
This was Ceres most important event in his whole entire existence, training hard for 8 years without taking a day off of ET, and you guys took this away from him. hurts my heart to hear him get mad on vent
You live in your mom's basement. End of discussion.
Well, that was a funny turn of event. Thanks for everything guys, pretty entertaining :)