Sweden vs ET Allstars (4830 views)

se alexL
se jONAS
se nuggan
se slajdan
se tornis
se Weslann
ee Nait
is phyzic
gb razz
fi twidi
fi vokki
fi spora
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gl hf
is it possible to watch at ettv and only listen to the shoutcast? ;s
of course it is, it's just not synced then :P
Not sure if it's possible to sync from twitch.tv
all stars ? LOOOL, spora is random, twidi and vokki are goods but not all star xD
spora is obviously a fakenicker
ah oke :p , hope so :>
spora is mystic x)
yeah indeed, cl M@x
Im not M@x you said xD, I would prefer to say M@x the chilian stole my nick :D
HA finally nuggan and AlexL in the team sweden not scums like weslan
weslann is playing though :d
Don't fuck with Weslan bitch !
If you gonna flame me, atleast spell my name right 3rdie
i disagree!
money back no ettv + fake swe lineup ;d