Austria vs Slovenia (8748 views)

at DonMatthias
at DrLagAlot
at laguNa
at scorch
at Wolf
at xXx
si Aniky
si Aristo
si m1ke
si sLy
si squAze
si verunA

ClanBase ET NationsCup XVI
Lower Bracket Round 1
24.03.13 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET NationsCup XVI » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: ohurcool (Highadmin)
Maps: Frostbite
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 32863
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 73


what wheres blizzardx?
just autofill from Playoffs week 1, lineups could be wrong
In sweden
gl DrLagAlot......
GL brandon
gl Kalli!
no mitja no win
A lahko nehas take pisat, nej zacne 6v6 igrt pol se pa loh pogovarjamo.
lol ka ti xD če to piše na usak match tud če ni slovenija.. poglej njegove zadne komentarje:D..pač piše boli te kurac:P
Pač, sam povem, da ni več teh... zakaj pa ta ni not in tega.
če ne zarad druzga ga tut zarad tega ni....
+1 :D
hf m1ke veruna and squaze
no gl this time :pp
cabN is avi for this
gl DrLagalot , jaN , m1ke and ofc Aniky <3
gl kalli
Izi DrLagaLot
gl don!
May the server not lagg too much, doctor.

Gl DonMatthias
GL wolf und alot
gl veruna <3
gl Saliery
sqz & sly !! :>
gl sLyz and squAze :)
gl slo
Viel Glück Österreich

You have € 265 on AUT
Possible win: € 469.05
gl Don
HF DrLagAlot :)
gl aniky
aniky is not too bad but he has the biggest ego i have ever seen
+1. id rather take m1tja than him :s
he's a good guy if u get to know him and his ego is just his awsome humor ;) i mean. u should see him try to trickjump lmao xDD
what ur his boyfriend?
You obviously dont know how big his ego is .. i mean.u should see him on jaymod calling people nabs just becuz they roll him izi
If u guys wanna talk about ego then u have to meet Team USA
lol gaymod..
yo tevez what's up man
hey snatix .. everything alright.. how its going mate?
gl Austria und Wolf regelt
Auf gehts Vorort von Deutschland !!
gl both
gl sly
gl aniky
besiegt die nazi nation plz danke :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
wtf is wrong with slovenian tags :O shouldnt it be a variation of SLO or .si with natonal flag colors?
tribute to an old slovenian clan
dunno bro you tell me what is wrong with tags, seems you are some kind of sherlock or monk dunno.
gg wp
Die! Damn you, Die! .at|DrLagAlot 333 damage per frag

So full of win!
and whats with
Are these pliers sharp? .at|DrLagAlot 12 deaths without fragging

?!? :D
kann mich um ehrlich zu sein nicht daran erinnern, die statistiken sind voll verbuggt, aber oft gekillt hab ich trotzdem nicht :p
meinte er nicht, die schlagen die? :D