Enhanced-Gaming vs nhncd (6206 views)

ca bN
cl M@x
ca rossko
ca shaun
nl SQuid
us TheEnd
nl Carlos
ca embarrassed
ee infi_
de kNocHe
us ohurcool
de wsk

Enhanced vs nhncd

[21:31:39] <@[CAN]shaun> if i lose this game, i swear that i will quit et for good
24.03.13 20:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Misc
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: ohurcool (Requestee)
Maps: Supply

Total Pot: € 10621
The bets have been cancelled.

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match of the year
the day has finally come...
gl Enhanced
gl bN
what? :D
nhncd no bN no win
get rockstar in pls gl rossko, bN and m@x
Avi to play to shaun mate (eng smg,fop,medic,sniper,panzer,bencher...)
easy for enhanced
gl real enhanced
gl enhanced that won more lan games.
you mean lowlanhanced?
Yeah, the bad version without Scarzy and SQuid that managed to win vs better opponents :)
you mean the winners that beat idle yes the good enlanced
That was before LAN, not at LAN :)
we are still the winnermans
Which enhance was u in nigga I remember u playin for one

Would have been better if evokz and I had a (good) mic and we replaced Felix with someone better!
it's us bN lol :)
gl rosskoooo
gl rossko
avi for nhncd!
May the better enhanced win.
anim makin a comeback
CB banned players are not allowed sorry.
Is a showmatch not a cb game
I´m playing for the real enhanced who won idle before lan!
i knew you would pelle m8, we just wont let you get docs on frost.
look now you can play.
I already could play because matt asked me to but Im not sure if Im avi :-(
How is playing for the enhanced I first started with being a traitor?!
Different teams, brandon and rossko were first US enhanced, first EU enhanced were hitsu, evokz, photo, felix, shaun and myself, so you're part of the new team! :-(
actually squid played for us in etl
Wasnt the original, that was what? 2 years later?
ya i think 2 years later or so, M@x and me are the only ones from original enhanced really everyone else quit.
I don't remember winning vs idle before LAN but good to know m8 always knew I could count on you.
CB banned players allowed? bad showmatch
rofl ban brandon from et for life bad show match nerd must pay
izi for anim
inb4 shaun not getting 6 original enhanced!
Convicted murderer TJ Lane's statement at sentencing. “This hand that pulled the trigger that killed your sons now masturbates the memory. F*** all of you.” (video in article) (newsnet5.com)
i couldn't stop laughing when i read that he a g
my man, the fuck is wrong with u!
thats the most fucked up shit ive ever read
its fucked up but he crazy for sayin that
nigga a g lol
lets play taxidrivers. i'd rather do that... and with brandon playin for them.
rossko <3
gl max culiao
gl bN
hf u all!!
gl ca :)

u should get rockstar tho :D
there will be no mercy!
im sorry nhncd scared nerds
i wanted to play :<<<