Czech Republic vs Finland (5347 views)

cz luboshmir
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cz mazarini
cz luckeR
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fi orixon
26.01.08 19:30 CET
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Game: cod4 Call of Duty 4
League: NationsCup XI
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: smOke (Generaladmin)
Maps: Not announced

Total Pot: € 2338
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Radio Commentary
cz TeamPlay Radio
By: mAty
Listen to mAty
Language: Czech

Total Slots: 250
Listener Peak: 109


First broadcasted CoD 4 match by Teamplay, gl mAty and CZE!
why cant i bet 0.11 euro ? :<
gl CZE
Please only add CoD4 when there is a video stream..
expanding it by adding only shoutcast?

isn't really interesting unless you can actually watch it
yeh I am only a gtv user but do you know what makes the community a community? here's a surprise: users!

either your english is poor so your sentence came out wrong or you are a tad stupid
also your opinion that we should be HAPPY COS WE CAN BET!? is kinda weird
Is there a possibility on CoD4:TV?
there is no cod4:tv. only possibility would be video stream
Could there be one in the future? Any news on that?
Ok its useless to wrote something... ask gtv admins danL if you are so disappointed
well it is called gamesTV you know, its ok to see CoD here, I even encourage people to add their matches here, but at least make sure they have a video stream otherwise its useless and should make place for matches which have a video stream broadcasts.

When I go to GamesTV and I see an interesting match, I'll watch it if there is a video stream, in whatever language it is, as long as I can SEE the game.
make place for matches which have a videostream? lets check the 90 minutes earlier a qw match, one hour later an et match; i think todays events have enough space.
Nice to know that _you_ want to see a game, but since cod4 doesnt offer an ingame tv client the only possibility of broadcasting it are videostreams which are quite expensive to run if youre a non-profit-oriented organisation. If you're not interested, don't listen to it. maybe there are some ppl who want to hear it. apparently there are also some ppl interesting in betting on it. it doesnt take away any "space" from other matches.
The problem in situations like this is where you draw the line. Anyway this is a pointless discussion so we better end it here. I hope to see more CoD4 matches with video streams mentioned on GTV, they are out there.
man whats your problem with us? If we have video stream we will use it, but we dont have it... so we are not allowed to add matches here? Dont understand you comments guyz... makes me kinda sad
I don't have any problem with you my dear czech ET fan, however I would like to point out that there are various matches with TV streams that never get listed on gamestv while they are so much more interesting to the community than a match with a czech radio stream.
Oh, and what kind of TV matches you mean? I think everybody can request match here..
ez for fi !
gl for both but more for cze
wp CZE nice 3nades by Lubosmir and luckeR! gj mAty
:( kdyz sem si sazel na CZE tak byl kurz 2.7, jak vedeli ze si je davame tak to stahli na 2.15 :( ale i tak GJ :)