Portugal vs Belgium (13902 views)

pt sexyhot
pt setup
pt ag0n
pt archy
pt sexclick
pt sui
be mesq
be vila
be jetroo
be isen
be Ana
be acid
Group C

CB Matchlink
06.02.08 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET Nationscup XI
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: mUnduS (Generaladmin)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 22079
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Language: Dutch
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By: GLH-Candyman
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Language: Portuguese

Total Slots: 950
Listener Peak: 16

Enemy Territory TV
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Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 262


ez bash for belgium
gl be!
Portugal hacked in World Cup GG
How retarded are you... it's not the same line-up at all.
gogogo be! <3
go belgium .; woot woot ... we gonna win NC anyway :p
omg mAus omg
Total Pot: € 442
nice =D
go be 1337 <3
gl Portugal ;]
be ofc :)
HF Belgium!
mAus gonna kill me ;< god damn
hehe have to say mAus's reflexes are the best :) and it is allways nice to watch when sum gertards lose their helmets :D
ik ga skieen!! gl belgium!
alsof jij iets bijbrengt aan het niveau van belgie ? oO
jij bent hard
hij zit er bij, jij niet, hou dus uw bakkes maar

zo arrogant en geen hol kunnen schieten
je weet goed genoeg dat ie vorig jaar geen schijn van kans maakte :-)
De keren dat ik tegen jou speelde was je toch ez te outaimen, tot zover mijn bijdrage op uw met waarheid-doorgronde post!
ik wil altijd wel eens tegen je spele as ge wilt, 3v3 of 6v6 maakt ni uit.. words mean nothing
Dat gaat makkelijk gaan, daar ik geen ET meer speel :)
En heb ik gezegd dat ik beter ben dan jou ? Ik zeg gewoon dat je niets bijbrengt aan het niveau van team be. Leren interpreteren jongen!
easy bash kthx <3
i would like to say eazybash for portugal..
but on this fucking case.. well BE own =P
anyway !
GL setup QkR and archy
nP for Be
mesq, lio, maus go <3
go porto :) HF
gl archy <3
mAus <3
Goooooood luuuuuck dAv1d <3<3
easy bash for be , hf
Will be posted when the teams bother to submit them tbh!
lineups plz
Will be posted when the teams bother to submit them tbh!
gl Pt`s
You have € 2 on POR
Possible win: € 72.7
hmm Portugal Go Go GO Go GO:D
You have € 42 on pt POR Cancel bet
Possible win: € 1270.08

You have € 5 on pt POR Cancel bet
Possible win: € 179.95
You have € 5 on pt POR Cancel bet
Possible win: € 167
Let's hope the Belgians from EDiT want to play :-)
curious about BE's lineup

mAus back from FoM @ 21h00 ?
gl portugal!!
omg mesQ lio mAus omg GO GO GO BE
gl archy, ag0n atillaa <3

Finally there is a german shoutcast!!!! :D:D:D:D
GL Team BE <3
bemAus vS ptPortugal :D
maybe a plane will kill all of the belgium team so here we go :

You have € 2 on pt POR Cancel bet
Possible win: € 48.26

gogo portugal !
gL portugal
im expecting great entertainment!!!!1111
eZ for bElgiAn hAckeRS
mesq, lio, maus..xD
You have € 146 on pt POR Cancel bet
Possible win: € 2784.22 :D
para que apostr 25 € xD ???

tou a gxr .

podemos ter feito asneirada na ultima cup mas os alemaes vao ver com quants .!. se faz um ownaço!!!!

força portugal :D
BE wont play tonight.. reschedule
gl Portugal
gl be all my mony to be :)
rescheduled again!!!

Daar krijg ik dus et vliegend schijt van e!!
lol, is eerste keer dit NC dat BE en POR BEIDEN moeten reschedulen hoor ...
no offence :D
België heeft al moeten reschedulen. Kweet nu niet of het ook tegen Portugal was maar als het zo voort gaat zien we BE gewoon niet spelen:)
Zonder de mannen van EDiT valt er toch niet veel te zien.
belgie heeft nog NIET moeten reschedulen want tis de eerste match, goe bezig ...

Besides, kzal kik et wel weten, ik ben captain en ik regel de matches ...
kk, kheb dan blijkbaar serieus scheel gekeken -_-'
kan mss een beetje grof gereageerd hebben maar tis wel correct, tege portugal is de eerste match .

Die tege ierland ( normaal de eerste ) was gecancelled omdat ierland nie meer wilde meedoen aan NC :)
Da zal de vergissing zijn denk ik :)
eindelijk, mysterie opgelost!!
Dat was het inderdaad:)
hehe dacht het wel :D
idd groot gelijk ;) bende kakkers :D
LoooooooL CriTik !!
are you ok !!
eitje voor mAus
You have € 1 on POR
Possible win: € 20.34

go por <3
be with lineup probs? who will play/join team be ?
u can play if u wanna
no thx
i dont wonna get owned :D i'm low- player so ...
no, i am serious, they need u!! they have to forfeit if u dont go:P
suck my cock maus is fucking gay
go belgium :) make us proud (mesq<3)
Gl be , ookal heddet ni nodig XD
gl mesq :)
n1 mundus! Endlich mal wieder ein Deutsches Radio xD
gl lio,mAus,ISEN,setup,archy,sexyhot (playing?),ag0n
edited.. :P didnt knew that u are plying for team pt :(
gl !
I am =). Played allready in last CB NC but only one game :\
Anyway i sucks, too bad that Portugal don't have better players

no koto no win!
You have € 3 on POR
Possible win: € 51.24

mAus < all
GL & HF KlingKling Kling Party man mAus !!!
english shoutcaster plz :'(
I remember....
You have € 70 on pt POR Possible win: € 1208.2

who knows...
"eu lembro que voces usavam programinhas"

izi for BE ;)
Gl Portugal.
Gl Jetro nerd :D

And Ofc! Setup! :o
GL belgium : )
Sui <3
lol eazy for por
no mAus no win !!!
best lineup in years for be, gl ana xD
will be close
is the BEL lineup a joke?
força portugal!!
..... i dont wanna lose all my money :/ D
nice.. now POR makes a chance..
where or who is mAus??
GG 4-0 POR
retard lineup from be, easy for por
score pls... :)
no mAus and dAv1d for be = no win
4:0 POR
You have € 76 on be BEL
Possible win: € 91.96

that was the last time i bet on the so called belgian power house -.-
You have € 41 on be BEL fucking shit
score ? :o
didnt c the lineup :x
ANNACONDA > ALL !!!!!!!!! XD
2-3 for be , just had fullhold
You have € 60 on BEL
Possible win: € 72.6
2-4 for be!!!

1 second at supply :P
4-2 BE at the last second :(
2 times lucky for belgian radar 2 sec. and supply 0.32 second
anaconda rox !
portugal was the bether team
No, they would've won in that case.
:D LOL gg anaconda :D (buy a config :D )

I didn't know Chuck Norris was a Belgian..
LOL ik hou van al het geween weet je :D :)
BE suxx :)
Yes, they were but Belgium won :D

Vivaaaaa belgicaaaaaa
lol, PoR got owned :D
portugese go cry in a dark corner! you lost a match against anaconda :D [HUMILIATION]
LOL dont be mean ... i HAD to play, they ASKED me to play :p
et Today 15:15 infinity-skills H4X hu 2.65 vs. 1.61 se noll8 18 € on se o8| Lost
et Today 15:00 multipleGaming Plasa de 3.94 vs. 1.34 be cZar-Gaming 6 € on de mG.plasa Lost
et Today 15:00 Portugal pt 5.83 vs. 1.21 be Belgium 28 € on pt POR Lost
et Today 15:00 Latvia lv 1.85 vs. 2.18 gb United Kingdom 18 € on gb UK Lost
Today 20:00 Latvia 1.85 vs. 2.18 United Kingdom 1,100 € on UK Lost
Today 20:00 Portugal 5.83 vs. 1.21 Belgium 224 € on POR Lost
05.02 20:00 Czech Republic 1.37 vs. 3.68 Norway 250 € on NOR Lost
05.02 18:30 infinity-skills H4X 1.49 vs. 3.03 retro4u.de 250 € on retro4u Lost
et 05.02 21:00 Finland fi 1.05 vs. 20.25 si Slovenia 957 € on fi FIN Won 1,005€
et 31.01 21:30 Finland fi 1.13 vs. 8.77 fr France 847 € on fi FIN Won 957€
et 30.01 21:00 Israel il 1.86 vs. 2.16 gb United Kingdom 250 € on gb UK Won 540€
et 27.01 22:00 Switzerland ch 2.25 vs. 1.80 se Sweden 100 € on se SWE Won 180€
et 25.01 22:00 Chile cl 19.29 vs. 1.05 pl Poland 454 € on pl POL Won 477€
et 22.01 21:00 Cortana hr 1.88 vs. 2.13 pl Authentic Gaming 49 € on pl Auth Won 104€
et 21.01 21:00 Finland fi 1.08 vs. 13.75 cz Czech Republic 369 € on fi FIN Won 399€
et 20.01 22:00 Western Europe eu 1.12 vs. 9.64 eu Eastern Europe 330 € on eu West Won 370€
et 20.01 21:30 Eastern Europe eu 1.34 vs. 3.91 eu Northern Europe 97 € on eu East Won 130€
et 20.01 20:30 Northern Europe eu 3.53 vs. 1.39 eu Southern Europe 50 € on eu North Won 177€
et 20.01 19:00 Eastern Europe eu 1.56 vs. 2.78 eu Southern Europe 109 € on eu East Won 170€
et 20.01 18:00 Northern Europe eu 6.21 vs. 1.19 eu Western Europe 50 € on eu West Won 60€
qw 10.01 21:00 Dignitas.ETQW eu 1.46 vs. 3.16 se Kompaniet 20 € on eu d. Won 29€
et 10.01 21:00 Gamedivision eu 1.96 vs. 2.04 nl team-ephix 20 € on nl ephix Won 41€

lolololol nice mr sux0r :D
<3333333!!!! wp 2-4!
yeah Bel wins!
WHAT A MATCH!!!!11111
sad , wp portugal
funnyest match ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 i had so much fun . best match , ana for potm
:-) , was less fun for us , had to concentrate quit hard to
i know, i rule :D
haha i won 72.6 euro :)... gg Belgium
dAv1d, mAus? gratz BE with that lineup it could be interesting to watch
Thx all for the nice shoutouts xD
wp Belgium!!

What can u expect from a team like this? it should be much easier for BElgium if lineup would be this:

be mAus
be mesq
be lio
be Shewie
be Ganon
be mAx
be dAv1d
dont understand how ana could be the last option. but seems you guys managed fine.
gg, very close game
will play mAus play next time??
no idea ... only 3 players per clan allowed ... and mAus counts for edit , as lio, mesq and vila
damn...they should kick one of these guys and let mAus play :D