Germany vs Estonia (12906 views)

de duKe_
de Kevji
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ee Night
ee pudi
ee Sinnu
ee Skeit
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ee yEnch

ClanBase ET NationsCup XVI
Lower Bracket Round 4
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET NationsCup XVI » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: ohurcool (Highadmin)
Maps: Supply
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Total Pot: € 130493
The bets are closed.

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Video Streams
By: DtSje
View on GamesTV (external)
Language: English

Viewer Peak: 144

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 137

Overall Viewerpeak: 281


gl NRW & kiwi
So clause , kiwi will play . :p. Gl sinnu
GL estonia
You have € 250 on ee EST
Possible win: € 6725

HO HO HO....dear Santa
hf sinnu, duke, kiwi ;)
gl dukiboy & Rest :D
You have € 37 on ee EST
Possible win: € 815.48

HF ! (:
no kiwi no win
GL eesti :)
Join DtS and Voice for another exciting installment of the Nations Cup XVI! Catch all the action as it happens at
Why don't you guys stream the gMen cup tonight? :) (check CF newspost)
We're going to take a break tonight I'm afraid. We didn't plan to cover Germany vs Estonia tomorrow, instead taking a couple of evenings off, but people want to see it so we'll be covering it. However that means we definitely won't be casting tonight as we were live for 4.5 hours yesterday, pretty much my entire evening after work, and would like some time to recharge our batteries!
Haha allright, no problems!
Keep it up though :)
You put more time in the game than the players themselves.

Pretty nice! :)
sadly enought you're right
Hopefully though the Nations Cup/Eurocup + a little bit of coverage might help keep them game a little bit more alive at least!
avi as cocaster
pls xd , not a good idea u ll be flamed too much haha
avi as cotoaster* is what he originally wanted to say
true story
Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit
Für das deutsche Vaterland!
Danach lasst uns alle streben
Brüderlich mit Herz und Hand!
Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit
Sind des Glückes Unterpfand;
Blüh' im Glanze dieses Glückes,
Blühe, deutsches Vaterland!
come on sinnu win me some money!
need stray
gl luden & the KreST<333
Tean AoW hat bestimmt geregelt :O)
gl, think before

Lololo haha gg girljze ^^^ fotze
:D trololol couscous garbit kahba
You have € 6 on ee EST
Possible win: € 50.52

Viel Glück wünscht der Vaterlandsverräter! ;D
gl both
gl eesti !
gl&hf team germany
Boring match, me and another 6 000 000 000 people dont wanna watch it.
so you estimate about 1,108,282,927 people to be watching this game? Man, the streamers are going to make a fucking fortune.
not enough servers to hold that capacity

maybe first 4 star match on gtv??? omg
Oh Oxy, you are so silly. There aren't that many people who know about Enemy Territory haha :)
ich habe durchfall
freeze got scared by Kim Jong-un so he moved into the forest
kiwi instead of blade?
Connecting to ETTV and seeing Night taking back obj with a fucking ninja action is always cool :)

Night ninja again & again
Hmmm co dalej z TZACKiem :XD
Przecież działa doskonale
Thanks for watching guys and please idle #ShoutcastCollective
good game......!
wp est!
nait mvp
well done freeze fucking noob
Once fucked up in radar, now in a match. What's next?!?!! Ow wait....
usa #1
ET - Night = no fun :)
Come to irc you no life nerd!
kiwi & kevji <3
Nait <3 best