to Make odds even vs Instant (6488 views)

pl Aima
pl fanatic
pl Frag'Stealer!
pl hunter
pl lesti
pl wiaderko
fr An7ho
be chry
fr emorej
ro Stary
pl stexx
fi Swanidius

Grand Final
2 maps will be played

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dajesz stexxik
<23:40:03> "suzii": skasuj to
<23:40:04> "suzii": Ty kurwo
Zaraz bedziesz mial potwierdzenie.


Sory bylem kupe. Masz screenshotka:
Tak bardzo zmienić nick i napisać to samo jako kapla :XD
o widze ze masz ksywke mistrz piksela.
Co ty gadasz ? To po prostu screen.
Fanatyk mu komentarze kasuje
ide srac
dat dmg
I dont do dmg, I do headshoots!!!!11111111111111oneone
Headshots gives highest dmg, or im just wrong?
wrong :(
Nvm then, but chry needs some hs lessons imo.
Zbieramy koleguf, czo?

Enjoy your ban :****
:D :D
I am not the same guy, why did you ban my friends account? I'm neither suzii or suziii. Get over with it. Check ips.. oh wait.. you cant. ;_;
I can and I did, nice try Polak