cs3r voodoo vs Trivium (9363 views)
01.02.08 21:00 CET
Status: | Finished | ![]() Get Button LinksHTML: BBCode: |
Game: | ![]() |
Rating: |
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League: | Miscellaneous | |
Hosting: | GamesTV.org | |
Manager: | ![]() |
Maps: | Supply | |
Braundorf_b4 |
Broadcasted by
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![]() By: author |
![]() Language: Polish |
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![]() By: n00n1337 |
![]() Language: Polish |
Total Slots: 300
Listener Peak: 35
Listener Peak: 35
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![]() By: Saeufer (ettvd) | |
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![]() By: benJi (ettvd) | |
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![]() By: pZyko (ettvd) |
taskforcex.de:27960 |
Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 128
Viewer Peak: 128

lineup Trivium -

bimbot showdown
Gl gnajda!
hf [T]
more hax plz
more whine plz . ez bash for T
i lost my money on edit vs T so i don't like them!!
#care ?
nice match, it's gonna be funny on ettv.
accept challenge in cb 3on3 and lets play 2 matches in 1 k thx btw easy for trivium
I hate polish
Have to agree with you on that one.
yeah, but we love u and want to read more ur comments... ^^
engrish ftw
we hate you
The guy above me is that stupid, he's not able to find the reply button.
A recent study showed that 87,2% of polish ppl never found the reply button. :o
A recent study showed that 90,14% of french ppl never found their brain
But we need a brain to find the reply button, and we find it. So u must be wrong somewhere :)
A recent study that you are one of the 12.8% that did found the reply button, but still that 12.8% is as retarded as the rest of the polish (which equals total retardness).
But sir, thats mathematically impossible! So does this mean you are even more retarded?
?? Whats mathematical impossible about the fact that 100% of the polish people are retarded (ok not 100%, but I can coun the exceptions on 1 hand)
gl Trivium
Friday 21.00 :DDDDD do you know what sun is?
if it wasn't a 3on3 I would say that maybe they want to spend this evening somehow different. but lolz, it's just a 3on3.
all my money on T <3
maik_ own them.... GL [T] HF cS3r'Voodoo
lol at lesbian:D teh hack3r
Bimbot vs bimbot what is the point to look a match of 6 bots?
well.. some of us wanna see who dares to use it more often. the team with more balls is gonna win. i think voodoo has nice chances :D
Trivium can do better :D
cheatVScheat np 4 PL
hahahahah this gonne be great just great :DDD
ban those cheater~s"!
lol, why is lesbian still allowed to play?
why shouldnt he?
lesbian is more skilled than him and zerender can't understand it, cuz he's EC skill (greetz mmf'kiss and frozZen)
never played him afaik, just seen this http://crossfire.nu/?x=forum&mode=item&id=11923 on crossfire.
stupid faggot
stupid faggot
polish players has ruined the game!
not only polish players are cheating, and no one have proof against any of players participating in this match so stfu :)
You are retarded but i don't have "proof" to give you. Damn'
It is nice that all matches played on gtv servers have pbss enabled and can be viewed after the match!
that's why smartest haxers use just bot, not wh :)
also, "polish players" is not singular so "your englis dont works"
WIII, i care.
Trivium for sure
great! xiiters @ ETTV
lag + hax = phun
says hax
gnajda <3
chuttt , c le meilleur "polondais" de tous les temps, il fai que des triplettes!!1
still claiming u don't hax :D ?
ofc , but here im whinig about my favourite poltards
oui, je comprends francais
great :O , where did your learned it?
school, studied it 6 years
congrats, that sentence came out pro
haxor match n1
ye but lesbians hax are bether so all on cser
It's so funny all ppl talking about lesbian hacking that's ridiculos. He is kwnon for a long time in the 3on3 scene. Cs3r mostly achvieves succes about teamplay and he isnt the kind of player who got such a dominant aim. It's not like he is headshooting insane 3hs everywhere like some other players do...............
agreed on that played few 2on2's vs them nothing suspicous just skilled :]
Agree. Show some evidence that they're haxing. If you don't have any, stfu&watch.
dla polaksów: zamknąc paszcze i patrzcie jak grają a nie pierd.... jakie to oni haxy mają :X
Trivium gl
easy for cs3r !
easy for T
You have 6658 on pl T
Possible win: 8255.92
Possible win: 8255.92
buahahahahahhahahha GAME OVER :XD
Current GBooky Top Player
si lulek
50 Bets :: 6659.47 Capital
im sorry.
so am i :D oh, well... whatcha gonna do ;)
tnx :*
3-1 cs3r
3:1 cser
nice hack by katia or w/e he is called
cała kasa poszła sie jebac :(
You have 10 on pl cs3r'v
Possible win: 52
Thx :)))
Possible win: 52
Thx :)))
easy money, T sux:]
radziu`s info @ b4 < all , kurwa
You have 50 on pl cs3r'v
Possible win: 260
p.s. lulek gtfo xDDD
You have 50 on pl cs3r'v
Possible win: 260
p.s. lulek gtfo xDDD
You have 355 on cs3r'v
Possible win: 1846 :DDD
Possible win: 1846 :DDD
easy 4 cs3r ;x
Shame on lulek imo
chuj z kasa xD dobrze ze te pojeby przegraly :D
dobre:) gg
Gdyby nie radzia info kiedy juz plantowali to bysmy wygrali =) w kazdym razie GG
juz sie nie tlumacz
dada pizdi na radzia!
<Radziu> Noi dopial swego! Ale niestety nie pomyslal ze pozbawil swoj klan (cs3r) wyjscia z grupy :/ a szkoda! GL VODKA!
<Radziu> auth wygrywa grupe 1, trivium wygrywa grupe 2
<Radziu> No niedlugo zmienimy nazwe... na Team Poland
<Templar> po wczorajszym zdobyciu 1wszego miejsc w cb3o3eu chyba nie ma sensu robic zadnych eliminacji do teampoland . trivium > A L L
(cs3r`v|duce) czyli boicie sie dzis grac ?
(RadZiu) gl!
(RadZiu) nie 2 low sry
(RadZiu) cs3r @ spawn
now u don't have to accept challenge @ cb3on3eu hf with your 1st place "best 3on3 team"
<Radziu> auth wygrywa grupe 1, trivium wygrywa grupe 2
<Radziu> No niedlugo zmienimy nazwe... na Team Poland
<Templar> po wczorajszym zdobyciu 1wszego miejsc w cb3o3eu chyba nie ma sensu robic zadnych eliminacji do teampoland . trivium > A L L
(cs3r`v|duce) czyli boicie sie dzis grac ?
(RadZiu) gl!
(RadZiu) nie 2 low sry
(RadZiu) cs3r @ spawn
now u don't have to accept challenge @ cb3on3eu hf with your 1st place "best 3on3 team"
cos Radku wlasne Ego Cie przerolso hehehe :)
tak serio to ja nikogo nie kojarze z tego T a widze ze sie wożą
vieri troche za krotko grasz w ta gra w takim razie :/
Mowilem mu zeby takich tektow nie pisali, to po 1 , po 2 pzregralismy przez radzia info na b4 bo zmiast powiedziec z eplantuja powiedzial ze ma cos z myszka wiec gg, pozatym dummy i ja mielismy 2 razy wieksze pingi, ale chuj z pingiem najwazniejsze zeby razdziu dawal info. =) pa
gnajda poplacz sie a radzia zablokuj na GG za kare x:D
Uklad planet tez byl niekorzystny ?
3:1 cs3r voodoo
omg update :<
Wiesiu ma troche racji, bylismy zbyt pewni siebie :X Ale spoko, jeszcze nie wszystko stracone. Mamy nadzieje ze bedziemy mogli sie zrewanzowac w "finale"! WP & GL!
P.S. Gnida plzz.. :|
Wiesiu ma troche racji, bylismy zbyt pewni siebie :X Ale spoko, jeszcze nie wszystko stracone. Mamy nadzieje ze bedziemy mogli sie zrewanzowac w "finale"! WP & GL!
P.S. Gnida plzz.. :|
You have 38 on pl cs3r'v
You won 197.6
You won 197.6
Trivium ego -1337 imo :(
idzcie wy w pizdu 500 euro na was przegralem triviumy jebane :c !
biedny lulek hahaha tylko 1.47 mu zostalo! :XDDDDDDDDDDDDD
poor kid.. biedny? when u have 13k performance i'll consider talking to u. until then only the most important people of slovenian goverment and alien ambassadors are allowed to talk to me or about me.
Man you're so skilled and a superior person - there's no way anyone could counter "ur mother is lame" with <13k% performance :DDD
thank u. i know. i will also talk 2 u more when i solve the problem of global warming and the middle east crisis.
Good luck, you can do it with your amazing performance :---D
easy money
nie spierdolcie sie czasami ze swojego nieszczescia, straciles pieniadze w necie, uwazaj bo nie zasniesz X-D pingi 50 = gra k thx :*
nie całuj juz mnie w fuge bo liszaja dostane :X
wtf ? omg
ETTV ON / CHEATERS OFF :DDD nie no Radek jak mogliscie tak wtopic = ( wincek pewnie za dlugo na silce byl ;\
Ta... bylo ettv vs EDiT i match conflict : O XDDD!
zycie : ( rewanz bedzie slodki ;)
Ta... bylo ettv vs EDiT i match conflict : O XDDD!
zycie : ( rewanz bedzie slodki ;)
wiem o tym bardzo dobrze Radku :DD GL next time :)
You have 10 on pl cs3r'v
You won 52
You won 52
You have 40 on pl cs3r'v
You won 208
thx ;)
You won 208
thx ;)
You have 5 on pl cs3r'v
You won 26
trzeba bylo wiecej stawiac :d bo tak myslalem ze cs3r wygra
You won 26
trzeba bylo wiecej stawiac :d bo tak myslalem ze cs3r wygra
You have € 50 on cs3r'v
You won € 260
thx haxors
You won € 260
thx haxors
01.02 20:00 cs3r voodoo 5.20 vs. 1.24 Trivium 99 € on cs3r'v Won 515€