one.soldier vs overPowered (7113 views)

gb MerlinatoR
nl juncie
gb crumbs
gb owzo
nl abort
nl SeN
nl bully
no Kris
ee mata
fi mystic
ee pudi
be Kevin
Show match in preparation for the next RTCW Cup
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Game: rtcw Return To Castle Wolfenstein
League: Miscellaneous
Manager: MerlinatoR (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Not announced

Total Pot: € 20974
The bets are closed.

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Video Streams
By: DtSje
View on GamesTV (external)
Language: English

Viewer Peak: 66


Warwitch and co are taking a short break ahead of the start of the RTCW Legacy cup. Join DtS and Voice for all the coverage from 20:00cest at
Quality settings 480p pls. 720+ lags
afaik you need to be partner on twitch for that, could be wrong.
I think so too, non partner streams can only be watched in the quality they are streamed in last I checked
they had 720+ option avi last cast :s
to have multiple options you need partner... I dont doubt they had 720+ last time, but it was unchangeable correct?
I like this :-)
can someone kick this DtS please! :))))
Hell yeah!
izi for mystic :)
lol. not at all.
omg mystic omg
mystic doesn't mztic
Mztik does'nt mystic dude ;)
gl Kevin
gl peeps en abort!
gl kris
is this a mystic name imitator of the good old one or is he ressurected?
Why aint sharky playing anymore?
Been on holiday in south Asia for 1 month. Back for two weeks then off to the Philippines for work :) . Pubbing ET but will be back in the summer for some RTCW ownage.
gogo owzo :O)
no wtv ?:(
nice ending!
close call gg
You have € 150 on eu oP
You lost