#erAse.et Runo<3 vs Belgian Fraternity (6471 views)

fi dTEC7
gb Element
nl esSe
gb Nips
fi toNi
nl vANQ
be AL1
be chizz6l
be crook
be Gifted
be Sup3r
be uNDEAd

ClanBase ET EuroCup XXVII
Qualifiers - Round 1
10.04.13 21:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET EuroCup XXVII » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: dtect (Requestee)
Maps: Radar
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 118539
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 66


Not avi al7, stop pming me! :S
one of these teams will win
i wouldnt be so sure
had your voice in my head which actually made me laugh :D
avi for this
omg crook omg
need jere & chry !!
one of these teams will lose
gl erAse <3

go adc Sup3r bestest
gl vanq & belgian friends :)
:o spelen al die belgen nog
huuuuuuuuuuu gl both :)
You have € 250 on eA
Possible win: € 2572.5
Gl erase
BREAKING NEWS: crook has been replaced by Robaciek
no, don't do that. Please.
Welcome to ec erase.
That's cute Sander.
dafuq happened with et erase now in ec :o gl
o.O Gifted : )
Hope you gonna perform better than yesterday othervise bF will erAse you :9) "h4h4"

eaSy for esSe
easy for undead ...
easy for my belgians
gl bF
gl erase
playing togather since 2010?:)
izi for brothers :D
gl dTEC7 ;p
Shoutcast this bitch !!!!!!!

EC qualifiers, look what et has become
gl al1 :-) i wanted to write gg you know :D
it will be a interesting match to see, still I expect a victory 4-2 for bf.
gl ali the bio reviver but when u left bio was dead once again :<
gl al1
You have € 100 on eA
Possible win: € 219

[20:47:14] <Gifted> chizz6l is stabiing :)

how could you Lennert...
gl bF :):)
You have € 8967 on bF
Possible win: € 13719.51
You have € 10000 on eA
Possible win: € 28700

score ?
lots of gingers on this match :$
señor deer, no estás muerto! qué tal :D
karii <3

playing LoL with spanish nerds,how u doin mate? :)
come fb, i'll add you again :D

1st map Radar:
bF attacked, got flag&main fast, cp pretty late, solid attack overall, kept going and reviving, time 9:33. eA attack was fast cp and maingate, almoust got west(mainpush after bF spawn, smoke to gate, lost parts in front of truck since 1-2s too slow with the push, got raped somehow),

[23:57] dTEC7: kaikki vaa tuhoutu mainilla
[23:57] dTEC7: ku ne juoksi sp4
[23:57] dTEC7: vaik siel oli 4 alliesii+obo mies mainilla XD)

after losing the parts it was the usual story; no pressure to parts, wandering around, got holded. 2-0 bF.

2nd map Supply:
eA attacked, got mainplant, got cp, got 2nd maingate, got truck, sneaked controls, superb time was incoming, but bF got last minute defence and delayed it a bit, time 10:22. bF started attacking but something happened, flaghold. Score 2-2.

3rd map Bremen:
bF attacked, something happened(mainpush???)

[23:59] dTEC7: sai puvun 5s enne meiän spawnia
[00:00] dTEC7: pääs läpi ja oli generaattoril about ku me oltii menossa cplle
[00:00] dTEC7: niil jäi kovo siihen oviaukkoon ampuu meitä ja meku nosti sitä koko ajan ja tappo kaikki :D:D::D:D::)

steamrolled, time 4:51. eA attacked, nothing happened except random covie almoust got keycard but no, hold.

Final score 4-2 for bF.
Wheres the spirit or soul in this match report? I WANT MORE PASSION
finnish part.
This is TL;DW, not a report. Sorry.
You have € 70 on eA
You lost

no rAmbo no win ...
rambo is so much better than vanq...

He is much better than any erase player, except bossHK
Oh look who won :)