gentleMen vs (5049 views)

be chry
nl timbolina
be rznje
fi geffi
fi blackwolf
fi haxlex

CB ET 3on3 OC Spring 2013
Second League
Group B
16.04.13 20:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 OpenCup Spring 2013 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: timbolina (Highadmin)
Maps: Frostbite
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Total Pot: € 5996
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 9


zet mij er maar bij timbo ;) 3on3 oc voor de lulz
no slepardi --> no win
gl gMen :)
gMen Lineup?
gl wallhacker timbolina
chry can't do it all
can't beat this finnish power house 3 hs only & perfect nade timing

You have € 222 on  TECHNO You won € 779.22
Safe moneyz
awesome bet man, /q me on IRC

You have € 600 on TECHNO
You won € 2106
Talking only with top 4 gbooky, cu
Nothing, have u got smth to tell me?
im in top4 with other account (DiMiTRi)
Yes ok, so i can talk with u if u want, ofc if u dont lose ur position inn gbooky
w8 1 day more and i'll be number #3 cu
Then i will query u on irc.
Mad nerd logic, u lose they hack but if yu win they noobs :)
didnt say they hack u mexican prick, mind your own business
:D why u mad brah
because you made up all words in this sentence. i didnt say they hack & i never call someone a noob if i win them

have a good evening bye
If yu happy and u know it clap ur hands
gMen.timboooo [11:37]: nice hack
U dont have to say opponent he's noob if he lose against u. its obvious.
nerds got rolled:-:x;dds
Wp techno;)
sup with you?
No, played against them last season in div 5, just nice to see they improved so much.

U better jump of a cliff and hit a rock. Or go get some attention irl instead of trying to be cool.
have a nice day
just bored when gf is away for too long and making people mad on internet is phunny..

especially retards like youtwo :XD
sup mate :XD
Gf? Aren't you like 12
who are you?
Can't read yet? I Guees ur younger than 12
Cant write yet? I jeez you ure yaunger then 12
Yeah, so mad, furious;p
Who was the one raging all the time when we played vs u in a random irc war, exactly.