Sweden vs Netherlands (12127 views)

se cupcake
se lelle
se NuggaN
se slajdan
se tornis
se Weslann
nl Cupra
nl jackie
nl L4mpje
nl MOTiF
nl rezhni
nl xPERiA

ClanBase ET NationsCup XVI
Lower Bracket Round 4
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET NationsCup XVI » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: ohurcool (Highadmin)
Maps: Not announced
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Total Pot: € 95278
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By: DtSje
View on GamesTV (external)
Language: English

Viewer Peak: 81

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 96

Overall Viewerpeak: 177


gl killarna
get feruS for this
NC still goin on lol
GL Sweden :), Jonas.
oh NC match :O
why lower bracket?
Join the Shoutcast Collective for coverage of the game, cast starts at 20:00 with coverage of one.soldier vs overpowered in RTCW before moving onto the Nations Cup game! www.twitch.tv/shoutcastcollective
saknar tites ju!
l4mpje kanker lul je zei dat je was gestopt ;()
no saken = win
best lineup of sweden in years, just dont know who is weslann, is it fakenick or something? havent followed scene for kind of long time but from what i've seen he has been worst player of sweden in all matches, should replace him with savage or crajsor/tites
I could not have said it better myself
why u hatin on wes? You clearly know who he is u nonce!

nordan, savage, crajsor, newbje, ferus, the entirety of the rtcw lads (KiH) and many more have featured far, far, far better swedish lineups through out the years.
I respect your opinion since you seem to know what youre talking about but its hard fir me to know anything about that considering the fact i havent been around when they played. Started following ET end of 06 so for me thats lineup is kind of good xd
bro rly, This story was not even a bit interesting, I have even skipped few words of reading because It is bad. Next time use some directions to make it more interesting or shorter.
Last years Sweden lineup was better
gl weslann
gl weslann!!!
jackie and rezhni x] gl NL, you'll need it
lool rezhni ma nigga
too many medskillers in this NC match, /facepalm
what happened to old NL lu?
gl cupi <3
Timbolina got benched since he is sick...gg
hope u get steam rolled weslann pathetic ass!
uh, dat Cuprapick...

gonna spec this one, gl
best of luck motif
can someone rap those NL cunts ? mad faggots
jesus christ dutchies, what does a pathetic arrogant player like cupra doing in the lineup? whats wrong with good behavior or even be ready to play when the match should start
Excuse me?
u had 133 players who wanted to watch the game and u couldnt get a freakin 6th player eventho there must be like 2000 players playing et in nl, and ur mouth young kid should get slapped a few times to wake u up from ur 2nd world and realize that being polite is the way to go, not sitting behind a comp being mentally disturbed to admins or even ur oppo´s,
I asked for a source on a rule. apart from that I hardly even spoke.
and yes some of our players were definitely impolite to say the least but it definitely wasn't me.
also im not the captain so not in charge of getting players whatsoever
lolol incon mentally retarded X:D:X::D:D fkin retard
i swear at first i read "nicon mentally retarded" i was like wtf Oo

what happened anyway?
nl refused to get 6th after rezhni didn't show up, keeping everyone including stream-audience waiting for 20 minutes and even started trashtalking
if you would so want to play this cup nl u would get other 6th. Fuckin egos putting ur trash to Admin like usual fuckin gays. Good mood :D!
why cancelled?
lol se in kidds bracket :D 1st US than NL :D
WP GG, was a very suspenseful match
You have € 304 on se SWE
Bet was cancelled, you were reimbursed.
lol sup :D
SWE might win this nc by not playing a game, gg.
whats going on?
fagperia mad
wp lamp best medic <3
Fucking niggers
gg SWE
ggs closer than expected!
let's start the trash talk!
isnt it like the 3rd time NL does that? how immature
why not just pick one of endless dutch mercs. since you anyway planed to play 5v6, it would at least have allowed u to play and skip a ff...
keep believing that mate. ohurcool is a pathetic skinny nerd virgin and he would've not allowed us to use a merc because he wouldn't be in CB roster. didn't wanna risk that :) when SWE left our 6th was about to connect. ofcourse ohurcool, the pathetic nerd that he is wouldn't wait 30 secs more! hope his parents die and that he chokes on their ashes
When your 6th was about to connect we had already been waiting for 20 minutes, people got jobs/school etc to wake up for unless you who sits behind the computer 16hours a day.
who are you?
Fair play im not very known, but you should've had ur 6th on server and not try to bypass the rules
oh just saw you're in the swedish lineup, well touche, you won. your 2nd ff win in this tournament now if I read correctly, gj. you're working or go to school? why are you still here replying to me now then? we could've been halfway through our game by now. Only mistake I made was signing up as captain in this NC because i haven't had time to play ET more than once per week or two. Should've organised that part better but even with 10 ppl in my lu i couldn't field 6 nearly each week. so not only my fault tbh and fuck mercs incase ur going to say that ;)
being a nolifer is fun bro u should try it
YOU say this of all people?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Your still online now so makes no diff.. LOSER (y)
heb je forfait moeten geven dan ofwat?
ik heb niks gegeven, die zielig kk zweedse nerdjes gingen snel weg toen we zeiden dat onze 6de eraan kwam en wij waren iets te laat dus kregen ze direct forfeit van admin omdat die corrupt is ^^
wow wat kk zielig is dat
ˇDude you are fucking fat cunt lol, stfu now.
Feel free to contact my secretary she'll book you for an appointment to talk directly to me, besides that, be silent and respect the skillers.
Don't expect much quiet time or respect then ;)
this is kinda pathetic and stands as a worst NC ever..

Because well, this game could be absolute shocker and some retards ruin it
fucking swenerds are going through tournament only because of ff.. god
well said bobika <3
bobika for president plz
" this is kinda pathetic and stands as a worst NC ever.."

you definitely haven't witnessed enough NC drama to make that claim =)
hardly SWE's fault in this case and it's not the NC thats shit its the cunts that play in it.
It is (.)(.) fault and not (o)(o) or CB ADMIN.

(.)(.) - > NL -> bad
(o)(o) -> SWE -> good
ok Kwiz - > get cancer - > good
why are you so pissed about it, you still have lower bracket and chance to get in finals.... Oh wait

better prac more next year and prac also timings if you are (c) and scheduling game

Good mood :D!
Are u fucking retarded? Whishing some1s parents death.. Rly. Get life retarded moran :D Just pls dont hang urself because of computer game!
yes I am retarded. you're polish, what's worse? hmm can't tell since i'm retarded, atleast i don't have to clean shoes tomorrow morning gg
LOL u r soo mad about ET in 2k13 XDDDDDDDDDDDD Thats funny
bro i wont talk to this dude anymore, u never know about this. better to shush he seems like some pc psycho
hide your mom, before i cut her clit off with a chainsaw and feed it to your little sister
Never seen somebody so angry over 10 year old video game. Slow your roll before you drop dead of a brain aneurysm.
im not sure who you are exactly but looking at your flag you dropped out before playoffs so please, get the fuck out
I think you need a time out. Sit facing the corner and think about what you've done.
ok, are you referring to the chainsaw part? i'd say ohurcool's mom is next
bro go sleep already, i dont want to get cancer of reading your comments

sleep well, cu
I am talking about your indescribable anger over a 10 year old video game. Seriously, take a break from the internet. Breath deeply. There is more to life than ET man. You might find some good advice here: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/anger-management/MH00102
what do you mean "skinny"? isn't he us? Btw there is no 24h rule in NC, why not just add merc to roster on CB?
lol if only they knew.... :D
well they could even use nl voice for 1 map...
yes and who would shoutcast? your dad?
:D fuck cb and ochujcool
it's me rezhni

i just came on ts and everything and all of a sudden we lost, i was like wtf i did my best to make it home just to play this game.

the question is: should i care?

omfg xD
i'm actually serious, because i got called at 21:15 and i was in the city and i did my best to make it home and that was 22:40. i just lost track of time it's my fault, but still the question is: should i care?
bro first story was ok and funny i was like bro this guy got this. But now the explanation... just stop it dont ruin the mood.
huh? right...
As usuall master kwizlord is right
bro u made my day..gg
i was racing in my nightrider, what the hell happened on the server? i bet they could've wait just 30 more seconds and i was on the server
nice guessing but wouldn't happen. Maybe next year
wait, wait, just wait a second... who the fuck are you again?
I think more ppl know Kwiz than they do you. cya
Dis guy got this as kwiz said, he's rollin u outa internet
I am the guy who is making you mad.
Why are you speaking with nl here if you dropped out from NC?
no teKoa no win.
So what's going on? Does Sweden win by forfeit?
NL could not play on monday so I am pretty sure that is how it is
LOL? this match is forced by fucking ohurshit and we could've played on monday. but no. oh ur cool gives forfeits rather than having games played
that is not what you guys said before (since we ourself had problems with this specific day due to many reasons, myself would rather just have stayed in bed reading books whole day with a pukebucket and migraine pills beside me)
we didn't say anything because we haven't been online, at all. so what are u on about xd
lol comon you're online 24/7
next Sweden vs Germany :)

Happy with that is HEEEEEEEE ? :D:D:D:D
haha, lekker xperia :o]
oh well enough cared, hf vs germany when they will fuck you up like hitler did jews
Hahaaa xperia chill out or u bump ur head on bed :D:D:D!!!
haha :D nah thats more your thing ;-)
Painfull as fuckkkk :D:D:D:D:D
u are stupid , nuff said.
lol u said nuff, u must be like sir awesome
stfu stupid polak
ok mrs fatter than moon
lol u so funny, here, have a euro, you can buy some bread and live yet another day.
Here, have an euro, you can buy some diet pills and start getting fit.
"they will fuck you up like hitler did jews" dat xperia :-)
Reminding dark side of german history wont give u rheir applause i think, what u think bro?
"... the German invasion of the Low Countries (Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands)..."
but the fact of his thinking about jews is funny. Like germans didn't attack his country.
I think SWE goes to semi-finals.

EDIT: I was right

Lekker hoor xperia!:D
nerds mad

oh rofl just read those comments. what a pathetic jerk.
whos pathetic bra?
madperia? isnt it obvious by reading these comments :D
I just heard from a secret source that a 6th was avilable for NL the entire time. The problem was, xPERiA was too afraid to face the king NuggaN himself.
yep, heard that too. He can't handle NuggaN even with 15hours/day on NBS :XD
Trought, jonas is the main carryman in sweden,xperia didnt want to play it cause no challenge w/o him