inteRaction vs (5768 views)

cz cpu
cz Green_Clon
cz malfoy
cz milhAus
de Specula
cz teente
pl Abject
pl Czarek
pl olas
de s1LENT
pl Voodoo
pl WuT

ClanBase ET EuroCup XXVII
Qualifiers - Round 1
14.04.13 21:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET EuroCup XXVII » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: guffy (Requestee)
Maps: Radar
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 33163
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 25


happy to see iR playin :) hf my obrazki
wtf? :O tak urcite gl jen v tom mam ted trochu chaos :D
darius op nerf plz
lol fuckin nerd teemo counters him so hard
nice hf both
no tak to gl kua jalo&milfoy
easy for wutolasabj
good luck milhAus<3
wb iR :) hf archers
:D :D :D
izi for jalo and green_clon <3
Green and jalo friends again? ;)))
we always been friends x)
nejak se nam z toho EC zacina stavat NC :DD (dispo-swe,iR-cze,rblood-por)
nicmene posilam velke gl na piskoviste
PS: konecne se crewtrener zbavil toho kkt co chtel porad strilet trickshoty :DDDD
HF Abject,Czarek,Olas,WuT
gl Green_Clon, malfoy & s1LENT!
gl cwelnia :)
better lu than team cze
easy Voodoo
jalo monster
Gl archers
Easy for cze players
gg wp
czarek too stronk
You have € 100 on pl archers
You won € 242

Izi Judasz i Maksio
Olas :XD
hey foSt
u missed "r" or u trolled my so hard!
Bez bota to nie jest robota :/
You have € 323 on pl archers
You won € 781.66
In olas i trust
NP hosi, pristi rok to urcite vyjde :D :D :D
jezis nestras
riflik myslel ty brejle, ze mi je treba pristi rok posle:D