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ClanBase ET EuroCup XXVII
Qualifiers - Round 2
Seed #4 / OC Premier

The winning team will qualify for EC XXVII!
17.04.13 21:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET EuroCup XXVII » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: ohurcool (Highadmin)
Maps: Bremen_b3
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 45738
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 33


good luck buddies! :>
i like how theres only 2 days to play 2nd round cos of sunday 1st rounds ok m8
Don't worry, you got this!

Gl erase.
it has been said from the beginning that Qualis ends on Tuesday (16th of April). ohurcool just let teams play their 1st quali games on Sunday therefore teams only have 2 days to play 2nd game.
yeah indeed so a week for round 1, 2 days for round 2. That's good
looks like you read all ec related newspost very careful :)

The first round qualifier games must be played by Friday 12th. Unscheduled matches will be forced on Tuesday for Thursday.
The second round qualifier games must be played by Tuesday 16th. Unscheduled matches will be forced on Friday for Sunday.

(Most matches will be played on Sunday. We are fine with it, but please keep in mind that all qualifiers must be finished by Tuesday 16th - no exceptions!)
I am aware of that, but because ohurcool allowed teams to play 1st round till Sunday this fucks up the 2nd round. Not that we will have problems with this but nevertheless shit decision to let them play 1st round until Sunday.
yeah I must admit that its pretty hard to schedule the game within 2 days so all 12 players are avi :| luckily i've already set my game, but 2 more days till at least Thursday would be great for others (I guess groups start on Sunday/Monday anyway ;p)
hf dtecm8
thx gammam8
nimm doch gleich in mund XD
Ich nehme deine mutter muschi in meinem mund
gogo erAse <3
gl byczki!
easy :h
Kom op he mikey, de dood of de gladiolen :$$$
gl airmax
izi for erase tbh

EDIT: so expected. shame C4l got replaced by this clan.
ladna obrona na bremen
You have € 200 on eu eA
You won € 372
You have € 9500 on eA
You won € 17670

: D nice
dobrze ze nie grales w tym meczu pewnie bys sie zaplakal na smierc
You have € 250 on eu eA
You won € 465

fuck yeah erAse <3
gj boys :>