bruddi vs sKy.eSports Clan (5592 views)

us Mccloud
de g4mma
de hAVOC
de Armaggedon
de Ava
fi U171M4

CB ET 3on3 OC Spring 2013
Fifth League
Group D
28.04.13 20:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 OpenCup Spring 2013 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Mccloud (Requestee)
Maps: Braundorf_b4
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Total Pot: € 3916
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Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 15


quality progamers like U171M4 in this game
izi ctrl
gl Ultima, Arma, Tev and Ava :))
real wrath?

gl sky.e :P
the only wrath
Il est pas bien grand à ce qui parrait, le petit wrath :xDDDDDDDDDDDDD
MDR ! Bienvenue dans le cercle très fermé des blagues pourries. On se sentait seuls avec Sezer !

PS: j'ai faim...
gl BossHK
That name: bruddi :D
Gl ctrl
Good luck :D
1 Ami, 2 Germans = US team
1 Fin, 3 Germans = EU team
seems legit
McCloud GL ! :)
GL arma,
Still, I hope you'll lose :s:s
You can end second, just after bruddi :D
all bets on Sky E pls !
b4 <3
gl Pro*Armaggedon

No worries Prod, we know your exams are having a toll on you.
nah he was in the Pro* clan with me(pro*tevez) too m8
Trust me, I know.
Ask arma, he knows that I know, what you know, what prod knows ;)
And like you said: "he WAS..."
score added as forfeit win for sKy.eSports ??.. sad :/ .. maybe rematch
You're talking about the 6o6?
And tevez, it's on your forums as well. Why double post things? XD
Hi jackbauer mate
gl g4mma and sky-e
gl Mccloud and bruddi
gl g4mma
gl g4mma and g4mma
- Mccloud + Equanimity
gl havoc
gl arma ava and wraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaath :)
gl eeMcleod
gl Mcleod
GL Mccloud
gl dedTEC7
gl Brutti
Fifth League :D
gl wrath
where symbol? :(
not playing.. habta glück :D
eher pech:* :D
man kann es auch so sehen :P
gtfo U171M4 you xiiter hoemoe
Gl glenn :{D :{D ♥
I'm not playing, mate.
I'm no bruddi, I'm just to low.
i know but gl anyway
lol? this is not a skilled team, you're not playing cause gamma havoc and I trained together regularly
Yeah youre all shit
Are these pliers sharp? #CTRL.d Gnome 11 deaths without fragging
gl glenn
gl BossHK
gl guys !
gl mccloud
hf mates
worst shit ever haha
wrapha carry
good job sky
hAVOC! on Saturday 27 April 2013 - 04:11:15
sorry ryan i barely find time to play

Guess you need to learn when to sense sarcasm :) we haven't played a proper game together since our last offi. wrath played well is all i can say about this game. expected win for Sky-e
arma ava and u171 played just 1 war together !