zeroskill vs Controlled Gaming (4454 views)

pl samraj
pl tsu
pl buggs
pl topek
pl pius
pl loCkheed
us Equanimity
gb Gnome
fi Legion
de g4mma
de hAVOC
gb deryn

CB ET 6on6 Ladder

Participate in the ClanBase Ladder Activity Challenge!
22.04.13 20:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Samraj (Requestee)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 8513
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 30


eh lol I'm in the line up?
who is i dont kno wthe real lineup - just copied
you should contact me first before making this official anyway
wut ??
You should have /q'd me on IRC so we can talk about the lineup before accepting the match w/o even talking to me.

Get it now?
the match was accepted on clanbase already - and to change the lineup is not a big problem so where is yours ?
my lineup is below, there is no major problem dont know why you are taking it that way. its way more organized to talk to me on IRC about the lineup rather than spamming the gamestv match page
ok sorry than - next time i will first talk with you - hf
np m8 gl and hf monday :p
Equanimity us
g4mma de
deryn gb
Legion fi
Remove jassu and glenn

lineup will be updated
bedac gownem jestes gownem. do ogolu
od tego masz cweli w timie żeby się bawić w takie rzeczy
gl buggs,topek hf sNi <3
remove deryn add gnome flag gb
poor glenny :{D
gl Mccloud
Gl Mccloud
thanks m8

samraj add hAVOC de to lineup
you will play too ? havoc and de ????
omgomgomgomg havoc&g4mma *___*
Tsu is back !!!!!!

oh wait frTsu is just a fake from plTsunami
looks like you are an newschool ??
i lol'd
what about you loled ? about the fact you dont know some oldschool players ? or about the fact i was right and your fr tsu is just a fake ?
dunno dude stopped more than 1 year ago so ye dont know ur polak friend but this is not nice to fake the legendary french tsu you know.. :(

PS : no, just having fun thats why i lol'd

PS2 : where did i say that the french one is more oldschooler than ur tsu? ii mean it was more about skill brother
1st there is no offence in my post
2nd its not my friend i dont know him
3rd you have a problem with it that this Tsu is fakeing the legendary fr Tsu - and i understand it nickfakes are just lame
4th but why u not have a problem with fr Tsu fakeing the legendary pl Tsunami ?
5th i doubt fr Tsu is / was more skilled than pl Tsunami
6th this new Tsu no one knows him - so he is probably an ex-cheater with new nickname and TZAC id - that is the reason why he wont play for us anyway
7th welcome back to ET
didn't understand your "6th"

welcome back to ET? wtf never chlopaki !!

btw they do what they want dunno why i told you that xD

played earlier than Tsu afaik
1 month more .. your point? xD
take alexandra!!!
Possible to play this at 20.00 CEST Zeroskill?
ich spiel für dich kein problem.. du muss ja zur schule morgen früh :P
maybe dont know yet
would be rly nice, check if its possible... from our side its possible :)
yeah changed it
i hope ettv will work
*__* thx m8 was important for me
gl team ctrl ;)
zerosy powodzenia :D
add deryn and we're done with that shit
gl tsuna topek buggs pius :)

^GL deryn
you KNOW this alex <3
samraj braucht Geld! :D
deryyn noob
deryn gay
needs a rematch
juz po reaktywacji - teraz jest kontynuacja
A jeśli chodzi o kontynuowanie tradycji to już tak nie bardzo, ja tu widzę wygrany mecz, co się stało?
tsunami z poison no no
samsraj wez nie gadaj z niedojebami pewnie jakis arab co wielkiego swiata poznal