eXert vs Team Invasion (5173 views)

pl haven
pl Woozie
pl Bl4nko
pl Marley
pl Pr3dator
pl Lenin
xx Tommeh
xx Pansy
xx Syke
xx Magic
xx Niv
xx TeAbAg
10.02.08 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 Ladder
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: grzesiek (Requestee)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te

Total Pot: € 4052
The bets have been cancelled.

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eXert ofc :)
np4eXert <3 go go Woozie =D
gl exert

woozie i michat owned
michat nie gra, tylko mercowal wtedy
Grzesiek > all :)
Go eXert Go
GL pl grzesiek

izi bash
Woozie...to bedzie jak l class :)
Eh...stare,dobre czasy :D
GL Grzesiu pokaż :D:P
eXert fTW
gl grzes
You have € 228 on pl eXert Cancel bet
Possible win: € 280.44
gogo eXert^^
Go Go Woozie :D
eXert ofc ;]
go go michat and hf
Nos problemos for Pansy! O/ And good luck woozie old pal ;D
Thank ya! I will never forget 2.55 version, L class and gamesmajor servers!
gl eXert :)
OFC eXert - gl Woozie, grzesiek i moj antyfan - haven ! ;]
You have € 5 on gb inv
Possible win: € 58.65

: D ?
ez bash for gb Pansyfaust
Why so grim? You'll easily beat them with your superskillz :F
Who are invasion?
inv are not that bad, gl :)
gl pansy!!
inv win !!
izi bash :U
gl magic gl pansy

iNv fanboi 4eva <3
go pansy and magic! :D
izi bash inv
gl magic , pansy , jason , niv <3
GL Niv !<3
Pansy ftw!!!! <3<3<3
inv ofc bo Uzi bedzie lezal krzyzem przed niedzielna msza :D XD
pzdr :*
You have € 145 on eXert
Possible win: € 189.95

grzeju hf =]
GL Syko
lol what retards playing on a saturday, Pansy has no life :{
Don't disappoint your fans :))
lol what retards staying up all night playing et with me and my team. panda has no penis :{
its moved to sunday xD
Still nolife, shouldn't you be at chapel?
Naaah, on sunday you should be suffering from hang over :P
haven, wuzia & predator hf ;D
go inv
GL eXert :P

hf woozia :D
Danke ^^ Ale w formie nie jestem :(
You have € 10 on gb inv Cancel bet
Possible win: € 49.7
GL eXert...

Jedziecie z nimi : )
gRUCHA pobierze:) GL HF eXert
juz nigdy na eXert niepostawie dalem na wes 100 i lipa w plecy!:P
gl eXert :)
exert bedzie w zupelnie nowym skladzie...
hahaha :XD gl inv :DD
hf both
You have € 50 on inv
Possible win: € 219

better win , all i have left
Woozie = Tasslehoff?
Me gona be playing with hangover :(
If all goes acording to plan

Invasions Lineup:


maps: Grush + Supply

NO GRZESIEK NO WIN, nawet low Blanko nie pomoze exert :D
raczej, że low :(
Gl Magic, Niv and syko! Doe it m8s!
Go Go Go Invasion

I put all my money on your victory
Haha, easy for Blanko!
gl exert
gl blanko
gl wielki B ^^
co to za lineup :X
2 izi 4 eXert :((((((((((((((
Np 4 inv.

Kill those poltards.!

Gl niv/tea/syko/pansy

blow those polish people away =D
pff :<

some1 stole niv :<
jak bedziecie grac tak jak wczoraj to przegracie :<
Na offi gramy o wiele lepiej zawsze ;)
go go gRUCHA
a Woozie skara ;p
easy for gRUCHA and bl4nko GL inv HF both
Too easy for invasion.
Inv ftw

Gl to all of them :D
woozie gl plz win :x
ofc eXert
gl SYKE :/ :/ :/ :/
Go Team MAGIC!
M A G I C carries the team nP
ofc inv will win with me as their nr.1 fanboi :DDDDDDD gl
gl inv
glgl inv!
no ettv server :x
no cupper no win!


Tommeh will own all tho tbfh.
broadcast cancelled - no matchserver with ettvready ;-) sry guys
"andyF1 - Matchserver no longer valid as u moved the match by 1 day!"
gl exert gl wuzek :*
score ?
4-2 exert