Energy vs greejtsjot (2907 views)

pl SkyLine
pl hunter
pl Kento
be PlAyer
be Azur
be ViKO

CB ET 3on3 Ladder
25.04.13 00:15 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: dlr (Requestee)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
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Total Pot: € 1592
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 20


izi karakan
more wh action
more whine plz :)
be afraid who ure playing with :)

cu lan Arnold
ye cya lan or cya TOMORROWLAND i kill your family i swear
if i know correctly arnold been at 3 polish's lans and outdamaged everyone :)
viko has been @ 1337 lans aswell, 1v1 lan against his bro
1v1 vs his bro doesn't count :) so he has never been at lan :)
anyway, i might know who player is but u and azur, i've never heard of u guys before. maybe thats the reason im suspicious.
never heard of you either :S
maybe because you played your entire life on jaymod, didnt you??? so how come you could know the etpro scene??
why u lied to me then? u should say that earlier
Sepler, sleper ? O niego Ci biega ?
karakan przegrales? -_- nie odzywaj sie do mnie...
Azur and Viko Rollin bitches and NIGGAS BE LIKE "YU CHEAT" lol
i have some demo's that show viko cheating using wallhack walltracing etc

pm me on irc if you want the demo so u can upload to youtube and spread the word
Viko is indeed cheating hard lately. I can provide you with demos aswell, if you can make a video
pmed you :)
azur cheatzor
vikobro making ppl mad<3