Supski vs robertdonkeys (2978 views)

gb fumble
gb owzo
se TiTES
fi Webe
fi froxe
be dooppi

CB ET 3on3 Ladder
26.04.13 18:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: fumbl (Requestee)
Maps: Adlernest
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Total Pot: € 5275
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 11


Izi for webe, he stands a chance even vs apricot, so what can we expect if he plays vs random med/+
Lol "random med/+" stfu kid
Not sure if u trolling or u are retarded.
You have € 250 on supski
You won € 415
thanks tites
Fumble rolling again
shut up lowbo(=t=)b
Its joke right? Hahha i get it, cant stop laugh, brb.
oh now ur making me blush
kom op irc dan met je kutje