rockit.ET vs (8432 views)

be chry
gb koop
ee Night
is phyZiC
gb R0SS
gb rAzZ
pl Abject
pl Czarek
pl olas
de s1LENT
pl Voodoo
pl WuT

CF ET Spring Cup 2013: Division 1
Upper Bracket Semi-Finals
05.05.13 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CF ET Spring Cup 2013: Division 1
Manager: Artstar (Highadmin)
Maps: Bremen_b3
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 247602
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 86


hf phyzic, gl olas :)
You have € 5600 on Ri
Possible win: € 9632
good luck WuT !
You have € 78 on pl archers
Possible win: € 5048.16
izi Wutolas ":D"
gl V o o d o o
You have € 548 on archers
Possible win: € 16494.8
s1LENT... German Flag?! ... :P:p:P:p:P:p
der's geflüchtet der Baumwollpflücker! :P:p:P:p
GL arches
squzz no money xD?, ive got a question. do u guys maybe wanna play this match at 21:30/22:00? so rockit can rape us (effectus) first at 20:30/21:00..

please let me know cause we never play after 22:00 normally, and the match is scheduled for 22:00..
i suppose this game won't be so long i think u should start around 21.30-40
bremen and radar? dont think so ;)

please man, i gotta get up really early at monday.. think it about it please
we can start at 21.30 np ask them now
Well can you guys play 22CET?

then Ri can play photo at 21CET
rather prefere to start at 21.30 if possible don't want to start that late
if well start at 21:00, then were done at 21:45 i guess
the new prob i see on cb page is fact that we have forced game at 22 vs bf ; DDD
hmm ok..
sorry i wanted to make it best for ri you and us but then bf came .. : D
pls say yes friend x(

and why cant rockit play at 20:30 btw?
need some sqzz
R0SS > sqzz, so no
Thanks for the kind words / comment, but there isnt a single player in this game better than sqzz :-)
According to ETTV chat during Ri match vs bF.

Aim = Skill and since that phyZiC is better player than gav.
phyzic is strange, definetely best player ever in doing load of HS but imo mystic, butchji, maus, sqzz, reload or even wiesiek and olbaa or squall was giving much more for their teams than phyzic... im not sayin that phyzic is bad player just i think that there was more synergy between those players and their teams.
it's like the situation with jalo and Czech rep. this year... by far best aimer in the team,doing most of the damage - but most of the time useless dmg

altho i think phyZiC's aim is awesome, and can be in TOP5.. mAus from 07-09 was far better..

+ as you said,they were doing "better" job for their team... but that doesnt matter,since there is only one good clan in ET heh
Brb laughing from compare aimskills in 2005-7 and now.
True. Apart from me
Am I gay or do I smell a bromance?
*clears throat*
No sqzZ still win lol
phyzic vs olas
gl WuT Voodoo
night mejnem
NC final, anyone?
bedziemy walczyc .. rly :)
You have € 123456 on archers
Possible win: € 293825.28

skoro tak mowisz no to easy
czy z effectus też walczyliście?
odpuscilismy zeby byla dramaturgia
Are these pliers sharp? Czarek ><--)> 22 deaths without fragging

oah silent
Pierdolone pedały z rockit
17 frags without being killed

brb shower
Are these pliers sharp? Czarek ><--)> 22 deaths without fraggAre these pliers sharp? Czarek ><--)> 22 deaths without fraggingAre these pliers sharp? Czarek ><--)> 22 deaths without fraggingAre these pliers sharp? Czarek ><--)> 22 deaths without fraggingAre these pliers sharp? Czarek ><--)> 22 deaths without fraggingAre these pliers sharp? Czarek ><--)> 22 deaths without fraggingAre these pliers sharp? Czarek ><--)> 22 deaths without fraggingAre these pliers sharp? Czarek ><--)> 22 deaths without fraggingAre these pliers sharp? Czarek ><--)> 22 deaths without fraggingAre these pliers sharp? Czarek ><--)> 22 deaths without fraggingAre these pliers sharp? Czarek ><--)> 22 deaths without fraggingAre these pliers sharp? Czarek ><--)> 22 deaths without fraggingAre these pliers sharp? Czarek ><--)> 22 deaths without fraggingAre these pliers sharp? Czarek ><--)> 22 deaths without fraggingAre these pliers sharp? Czarek ><--)> 22 deaths without fraggingAre these pliers sharp? Czarek ><--)> 22 deaths without fraggingAre these pliers sharp? Czarek ><--)> 22 deaths without fragginging
Are these pliers sharp? Czarek ><--)> 22 deaths without fraggAre these pliers sharp? Czarek ><--)> 22 deaths without fraggingAre these pliers sharp? Czarek ><--)> 22 deaths without fraggingAre these pliers sharp? Czarek ><--)> 22 deaths without fraggingAre these pliers sharp? Czarek ><--)> 22 deaths without fraggingAre these pliers sharp? Czarek ><--)> 22 deaths without fraggingAre these pliers sharp? Czarek ><--)> 22 deaths without fraggingAre these pliers sharp? Czarek ><--)> 22 deaths without fraggingAre these pliers sharp? Czarek ><--)> 22 deaths without fraggingAre these pliers sharp? Czarek ><--)> 22 deaths without fraggingAre these pliers sharp? Czarek ><--)> 22 deaths without fraggingAre these pliers sharp? Czarek ><--)> 22 deaths without fraggingAre these pliers sharp? Czarek ><--)> 22 deaths without fraggingAre these pliers sharp? Czarek ><--)> 22 deaths without fraggingAre these pliers sharp? Czarek ><--)> 22 deaths without fraggingAre these pliers sharp? Czarek ><--)> 22 deaths without fraggingAre these pliers sharp? Czarek ><--)> 22 deaths without fragginging
chry Ri 17 frags without being killed...