Team Fus vs mikeh's low gamers (3621 views)

CF ET Spring Cup 2013: Division 2
Lower Bracket Round 2
30.04.13 21:00 CEST
Status: | Cancelled | ![]() Get Button LinksHTML: BBCode: |
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League: | CF ET Spring Cup 2013: Division 2 | |
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Maps: | Not announced |
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Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 2
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Fus got a playerlist of 20+?
gl williams and praskoo
gl fus
gl fus
match on thursday 21:00




Who will be BU now? :D
williams said we goona play with the same lineup as oc offi
so u i think
so u i think
I heard some other info yesterday :)
he just wrote to me that its not sure if u or mental is playin
We will see. Was my bad that I was inactive 3 days :D
das geht nicht nach den regeln, ihr habt ja vor dem cup noch einen roster festlegen müssen, da dürft ihr maximal einen merc pro match verwenden
ernsthaft? :(
jup, und jeder merc darf auch nur einmal mercen für euch
was das für ein dreck...
das ist ET im 10. Jahr, seriöser als je zuvor...
stimmt leider
is it legal to change cup lineup like that?
seems like not and thats bullshit because this is our lineup
it's like 80% nothing of what you signed up with :D
Fast reaction.
Fast reaction.
"When signups open, teams will be required to provide a link to their CB Team account which theyve signed up to OC/EC with."
this is our OC lineup
this is our OC lineup
but it's CF cup, this was just to assure that those are actually motivated teams that want to play and won't drop out randomly. that does NOT mean you can swap your entire lineup, look at game vs supski, quite a different lineup eh?
true but the team was bad
so we reorganised it
and its not like we play with a single merc
but yeah if admins WANT TO go for forfeit they could do it
most stupid rule that if a team changed its not allowed
!!! we are no mixteam !!!
so we reorganised it
and its not like we play with a single merc
but yeah if admins WANT TO go for forfeit they could do it
most stupid rule that if a team changed its not allowed
!!! we are no mixteam !!!
yeah changing 4 players is totally fine, no problem with that, why would it be.
the problem is that you make changes and yet you keep williams :D this will never work out
the problem is that you make changes and yet you keep williams :D this will never work out
^^ hes a nice guy :)
also doing his engi work for the team
also doing his engi work for the team
hah :D
anyway, your attitude is a bit shit "omg yeah if you want to give forfeit then sure"
why sign up to a cup with a bad team and back yourself up with OC lineup? this is a CF tournament, what's the point of deadline to send lineups and then let someone change all of it?
anyway, your attitude is a bit shit "omg yeah if you want to give forfeit then sure"
why sign up to a cup with a bad team and back yourself up with OC lineup? this is a CF tournament, what's the point of deadline to send lineups and then let someone change all of it?
so what ... i heard u had apolish team only at start and now not anymore?
lineup can change.
!!! but theres a difference between just using mercs for a tournament or if the lineup changed !!!
if u dont understand this pls stop arguing
lineup can change.
!!! but theres a difference between just using mercs for a tournament or if the lineup changed !!!
if u dont understand this pls stop arguing
but I didn't replace anyone, we just play offi only with that team
Williams is nice guy man.
simple if cant change line up we wont play on it. Doesn't bother us, but Robert really stop no1 likes you and you got nothing to show and your random talk crap is boring and shouldn't be on websites like this.
stop saying you're not bad and I'll stop talking about how bad you are <3
vyjii komt toch niet opdagen, die gaat kruupend zuupen
Weź wyjdź z tym nickiem coxie
good luck Austrians :) jaN got this!
fruitsapricot nerd gonna get rolled
this probably wont be played cause fus did too many lineup changes
why is that a proplem? they played us with this lu: yesterday @ OC. So i guess this is they'r final lineup.
yeah but they had diffrent lineup when they signed up for CF cup
wow why do u take this so serious?! its a fucking old game on his way to die so dont give a fuck about the lu changes god damn it. and be happy now u got a better chance to win since they are still a "mix"
smd, it is up to admins
yeah our line up changed and our line up is for fun. Not replaced with better players but with line up we enjoy playing together, we had 1 game together no practise no nothing just 1 match together which was oc game. plus it wasn't me who signed up for the cup for us was a kicked member. And line ups changed signed up for this cup over a month ago they cant expect teams to stay same.
problem is they want teams to be more active get teams playing et... but teams change ocs in place now and we have our final line up. So not gunna play with members no longer in the team.
problem is they want teams to be more active get teams playing et... but teams change ocs in place now and we have our final line up. So not gunna play with members no longer in the team.
so i dont see the prob... but ye this is et
e: agree
e: agree
well I mailed artstar but its him stopping this game from happening... I said its no problem we will just have to quit the cup and that's one less game one less team.
next time dont change the whole fucking team,there are rules for a reason :D
rules was put in place a long time ago.. when sign ups where they should use cb line ups but as I said up to them if we cant play we cant play et isn't screaming out with teams that want too!
so in the next cup ill just signup and add 30x players in my rooster and when i lose a couple of matches ill just decide this rooster isnt working and change 4 guys ggwp :D
in OC you can only add max of 3 new players to APL btw :D
the rules were made clear at the beginning of the cup. in fact we already added an extra few players for them earlier in the cup because they made a mistake when signing up, but changing the team entirely? don't make out like we're wrong here. since you've only been playing ET for around 3 years I guess you're only familiar with "unstable teams" and "mixes" but just to let you know, these are nothing to do with what keeps a game alive in tournaments.
good day.
good day.
"Keep the game more dead than it is"
where are you quoting this from?
its from some guy during one of Sweden's ff wins :)
interesting. by your logic:
a) anim/bN shouldn't have been banned for his antics in NC b) rules shouldn't be there at all and just let teams show up with whatever 6 they want on the server c) causing ET to lose teams and die much faster than it has already been doing for years (every year since 2004 has been less and less teams, so get out of here with your "stop killing ET in 2013" - time is killing ET, that and unstable players).
a) anim/bN shouldn't have been banned for his antics in NC b) rules shouldn't be there at all and just let teams show up with whatever 6 they want on the server c) causing ET to lose teams and die much faster than it has already been doing for years (every year since 2004 has been less and less teams, so get out of here with your "stop killing ET in 2013" - time is killing ET, that and unstable players).
I would expect everyone to me mad,if they would just pick up random mercs that are better than players in the first lu -> the lu they signed up with
so you are agreeing with me? :P
50 / 50 tho
want to see more games in tournaments and not so many forfeits...
want to see more games in tournaments and not so many forfeits...
forfeits have been happening in tournaments since the start of ET, you won't eliminate it by allowing teams to recruit half of the ET scene into their lineup.
I know,but look at Sweden for example...
ok I want to play with aimbot and wallhack or else my team will quit. rules? bend them for me or I won't play!
What the fuck are you talking about fkn nerd?
We give a fuck about something? are you drunk? suck our fkn cocks,baq will give you aids,die!!
We give a fuck about something? are you drunk? suck our fkn cocks,baq will give you aids,die!!
wow 4/28 of ur comment consits of the word "fuck", RESPECT DUDE
a nerd calling me nerd what did I miss sth?
chicken i can just say chicken are scared to play vs a mix and taking this game still so serious wow congratz
why shall I be drunk? why do u care? what has this to do with my comment?
u wish me to get aids and to die? how old are u? hmm i got no words for it but i guess its enough said
gg over and out and u sux lowbob!
pls do me the favour and dont reply to me back but i know that u wont handle it and u will reply back and this gona be my answer "not a single fuck was given" :)
a nerd calling me nerd what did I miss sth?
chicken i can just say chicken are scared to play vs a mix and taking this game still so serious wow congratz
why shall I be drunk? why do u care? what has this to do with my comment?
u wish me to get aids and to die? how old are u? hmm i got no words for it but i guess its enough said
gg over and out and u sux lowbob!
pls do me the favour and dont reply to me back but i know that u wont handle it and u will reply back and this gona be my answer "not a single fuck was given" :)
you are so retarded
ty man it means alot for me :)
legendary monkey replied to me
dude i dont give a shit what other poeple think about me, i got nothing to do with this game anymore so
legendary monkey replied to me
dude i dont give a shit what other poeple think about me, i got nothing to do with this game anymore so
good luck mLG !
GL Le Franc........and gl Williams u english twat