Controlled Gaming vs the Wild paradise (6747 views)

us Equanimity
ca CrimZon
gb Gnome
fi Legion
de g4mma
gb deryn
pl gaffaz
pl ajronek
pl krok
pl abo
pl kryt
pl Kinder
pl wiewiorka

CB ET 6on6 OC Spring 2013
Third League
Group A
05.05.13 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 OpenCup Spring 2013 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Mccloud (Requestee)
Maps: Radar
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 5901
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 14


gl ctrl
We meet again paradise
gl g4mma nades :D
gl Biggie
no thanks, 20 fps. get on ts for a sec.
Can't atm.
Just join our site, and pm me there.
hehe :D
the wild o kurwa to to żyje
LAUGHING MY FUCKIN ARSE OFF, THIS IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D:D:D:D
where r u
I am playing in game called "real life" =)
so u cant do both et and real life? shows how much of an addict you weree
gl wasu

gl gnome confirmed busted cheater by the masters themselves =F|A=
Use that adren !!!!!! :D
gl ctrl
sc Seychelles
what is the shortcut for that flag?
End the tag:
[flag= x

X replace it with 'be' for best country!
And put that link into [img [/img tags.

AND DO REPLACE 'pl' with a decent country.

macu ??? Aborygen ?? No LADNIE ,,, MIODY Z RYJA MACU :P
reply skill kolego :p
ja raczej grac nie bede nie gralem juz tyle to nie opłaca się :D
ale na silentach to sie grywa :p
kinder czy tzac kindera aka nowy owner ;o?
siema siema ;d myslalem ze nie zyjesz ;D GL!
:D w lola gram tak wiec duzo sie po sobie nie spodziewam :D
Kinder smierdzisz :D
kto ci buty ukradl marwus ?? :pp
Twoja stara :XD
do dzis sprawa nie zostala wyjasniona, pewnie dresy albo cygany ;/
Radar&Bremen...... whuiii
Np for gamma nades.

Edit: and gl gamma.
not much to nade on these maps :(
thank god don't wanna go full while defusing something again
You have € 112 on pl wild
Possible win: € 946.4
deryn cannot into radar this will be interesting
hahahaha i HATE radar >.<
Ale parowy
kinder :DX:DXA:DDD:}:}XD
whose catting havocs name rly
I don't know but it could be possible that some other ETPlayer has the name havoc. just a guess
thanks for the info sherlock
you're welcome koopatroopa
glhf ctrl. lass paar polen abschlucken g4mma :)
shit even with cheats
shit even with cheats
susol beast :')
It wasnt susol. It's just his tzac account. Other person(wasu) played on this tzac acc bcuz he stole susols tzac
kolargol pizda niedzwiedz
Wasu,dlugo cwelu pograles na wh szmato jebana GJ Equanimity
jak mozna czuc sie tak chujowy by siegac po haxy ?
u fucking poor son of a bitch polak cheater
oha :D chill mal hahhaaaa
haha schau einfach replay...heftiger hurensohn und trotzdem schlecht
ja haben gegen die danach auch gespielt.. dieser HURENSOHN hat immer mit der rifle uns gekillt , JUDAS
richtiger polnischer schwanzlutscher... soo offensichtlich :D