Chickens With Guns vs Duck n Cover (8313 views)

se cwG`lelle C
se cwG`Sonofevil
se cwG`bOBBAN
se cwG`Rosa
se cwG`Eddie
se cwG`Inc
no cwG`XOXO
Not Announced
10.02.08 20:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 Ladder
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Mo00mi (Generaladmin)
Maps: Supply

Total Pot: € 6892
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de #andyF1 ettv Server 7
By: andyF1 (ettvd)
de ettv Server 1
By: Mo00mi (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 29


lolololololololololololol gl miTTi
olollooloolollololo C W G :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDd
izi 4 cwg
CwG back !
easy for DnC, gL dudes
CWG is back!
and the no rl gang is back with 10 wars per day + all ETTV imo -.-
gl bobban & son
oh wtf?! noo its them again! :D
gl bobbann:)
GL dnc, and gl bobban, u need it! :DXD <3
DnC for sure <3
izi to cwG'
GL cwG ;)
CwG back with more hack.
DnC will rape cwg homos on SPAWN m8s
We will see about that :)

I know this will be hard match for us but.It will be a good match to watch
It will be to one-sided I think, but good luck though!
chickens and ducks gl
gl bobban! my money on you :o
swe vs fin.... duh -,- gl us !

i think mummy are busted ban this cwg retards
Proof ?

Btw if you will show me that fusenlist be my guest but that only shows that i have cheat,It dont proof that i use cheat

And if you are talking about those fake avi from that killerboy retard be my guest that not even me playing

Im not even playing so why do you really care if i have cheat ?

BTW cwG have a clean lineup now and we will keep it like that
Used it or not you still paid for cheats and for that reason you can never be trusted.
trusted ???? im not even playing
Pathetic loser, you paid for cheats? You disgust me!
Who the fuck would be jealous to a retard that pays for cheats and still has never achieved anything :DDDDDDDDDDD
say u alltime ...
u GOT a cheat? a long time a go u were my idol :(
noooooooooooo! No cheats 4 me im cleaner than Perfos underpants!
'ban this cwg retards'

Please, don't take it on us. We havnt done anything.
who's XOXO?
Also ich seh mich da nicht....

Can you tell me witch player in our lineup so are nC customer ?
*cough* u spoofing one from the list*cough* ?
isn't it enough if the manager is customer?
enough to what ?
what did u buy from nC?
a wh, so that when speccing u will see the enemies and tell your guys?
u spec all the games, don't u?
gtfo grandpa pathetic hacker.
lelle <3
jesus we can never escape from them?
Sometimes I wonder if there exists a god that listen to my prayers..
hm... once again will be cwg all the day on ettv
skill match !?
cwg= low+ dnc= med+
ezbash for cheaters! Mummy I hope you die!
omg cWg suckz
because u take credit for team's winnings and participate making tax etc etc, remember?!
How funny?


Anyway, that goes without saying. Dont try to be funny, you shouldnt play the guitar a lot of melancholy songs XD
I didn't try to be funny. He is a netcoders customer and should just get off from here in my opinion
true and if the rest of team know and accept that so they're the suspicious players too.
sonofevil was busted



anyway cg sucks :X

He have never used cheat so good luck trying to find something on him

even its not marked with red signs.. but wtf is that? some etpro guids with different pbguids and those pbguids have other etproguids again..

"ok" spoofing on a UBER 1337 HIGH++++ level imo :S lowtards
2 Words

gl bOBBAN and eddie
Go cwG! :)
Gl eddie ;)
quote Mummy "Btw if you will show me that fusenlist be my guest but that only shows that i have cheat,It dont proof that i use cheat "

probably one of the most retarded comments since the pyramids were built...

ban this fool ffs plz....
what was commented on when the pyramids were built >:]]?

btw, nice time posted xedi :D " de xed0s Sunday, 10th February 2008 13:37 "
lolol a few players busted from cwg,dont' see why anyone would even play for them, or let the clan play on ETTV >_>
Who is busted in the new cwg lineup ?
u are a nC customer, u give the bot
I didn't mention any line up, clearly new players playing for a known clan that had cheaters are stupid
GL dnc
cwg gtfo
cwg die cheater clan

cant wait for mummy to leak his bot
bOBBAN go bash`em :D
SonOfEvil <3<3<3
gl bobban <3
gl Duck'N'[/B]Cover
cwg gtfo
scOre ?
dnc won 4-0
4-0 to dnc. A good match vs an med+ high clan :D