zeroskill vs (4525 views)

pl samraj
pl ser4no
pl buggs
pl topek
pl loCkheed
pl sNi
fr AnTho
fr Skynet
fr Provok
fr blade
fr invi
fr soma

CB ET 6on6 OC Spring 2013
Second League
Group B
06.05.13 21:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 OpenCup Spring 2013 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Provok (Requestee)
Maps: Radar
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 7824
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 11


gl antho
nice - hf all
tsu out
ser4no and sNi in
second league vous méritez mieux les ga
GL a vous sticked !
ils ont swap de la div1 à div2 pcq ils n'avaient pas envie de jouer la div1 vu qu'ils sont offi only/étaient inactifs pendant un moment (:
Azur a tout dit, puis on a bien fait vu comment on a galéré sur le premier match :P
izi an7ho mate ;)
GL Pius
huh good luck provok, sni :)
gl sNi,lock,buggs.topek : D
a gdzie Tsunami
to nie tsunami tylko tsuna
Gl Piusko
powodzenia zs :)
pozdro and thx !!
hf both!
gl ZS !
GL ZS. Czy to ten sam ser4no?
tak kiedy cie zobaczymy na ircu ??? tesknie po Tobie !!!
tak feanor to ten ser4no:D gralismy razem:]
Sticked is Back ! :) GL!
gl invi et sky
ggwp wiaderko
You have € 185 on pl zs
You won € 843.6

dzieki lock, topek, samraj, ser4no
Sticked lol. Be ashamed pls
for what? we ain't praccing at all, can't win against polaks playing 24/7 cuz no jobs :S
u mad :C
like we praccing and nerding all day and night
jako team nie, ale jednostki z teamu już tak :D
But such a skill drop? :-D
We don't have the same LU as last year and we play again since 2 weeks. Sorry if we don't try hard on ET anymore ^^
We are just waiting for the almighty fr teki to rape faces in playoffs if we qualify (he has polish blood so he can deal easily with them)

You have € 100 on zs
You won € 456