TROLLS vs national 0wners (3965 views)

cz mattone
cz Shard
cz bagr
cz atoOm
cz HuuHuu
cz mado
nl Thug
nl Lefty
nl FoFo
nl rezta
de niSe
de mArs

CB ET 6on6 OC Spring 2013
Third League
Group C
08.05.13 20:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 OpenCup Spring 2013 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: mattone (Requestee)
Maps: Frostbite

Total Pot: € 5884
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 2


gl eu atoOn
gl trollové
Gl rezta ;)
ez for ronald ;-)
atom do toho ! :D gl trolls
gl rezta
rofl niSe and mArs :D
!!! :DD
wth dude :D
it´s a misunderstanding ;)
still funny!
tell me LU ill edit. :)
gl n0
GL Thug en Lefty :>
gl kucí
You have € 150 on TROLLS
Possible win: € 654
naivní :D
You have € 500 on TROLLS
Possible win: € 1455
pak nebreč :D
strelecky jsou na tom docela spatne takze jestli to prohrajete tak ztratim vic nez 500 ecek ...ztratim ideje o vasem skillu :D
gl rezta
Lekker je weer te zien spele Rezt ;) Succes
gl czech bros! :)
gl rezta!
gl old trolls:mattone,bagr,huuhuu,bagr,atoOm ;)
GL Mattone!!:)
dik radsi bud na IRC ready :DD
n0 wont show up
Why ?
the lineup just picked from last 6on6 match, aquila doesnt play for them the other german doest play for them too
so, and never seen one of them the last 3 months
its forced time and nobody from them is replying me so i guess u r right
surely someone from them signed up..

+ where you see aquila?
Mmh okay :p
gl lefty thug
Mattone kdyztak mi dej jinej kontakt bohuzel Cap mi dal bezduvodne ban na czet ani jsem o nem nevedel z niceho nic takovej je tu system v nasi scene.D.. kdyztak moje icq je 235-335-058
gl volczom