rockit.ET vs to Make odds even (9771 views)

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ee Night
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CF ET Spring Cup 2013: Division 1
Upper Bracket Finals
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CF ET Spring Cup 2013: Division 1 » Matchlink
Manager: Aniky (Highadmin)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 237780
The bets are closed.

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Video Streams
By: DtSje
View on GamesTV (external)
Language: English

Viewer Peak: 61

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 69

Overall Viewerpeak: 130


when would you like to play this?
where is sqzz :( ?
didn't team UK boys tell they will quit after NC?
didn't they "quit" before NC?
ej Fana, robaciek jest avi jakby co
co sie cieszysz? no jest, dwa razy juz pisal komcia pod meczem ale Fana chyba nie widzial... :(
tak mu pięknie spamujesz, że widział <3
a ty nie jestes?
Jak strejfowac i nie zwariowac?
ja z moim low+ nie pcham się do dobrych teamów :) ale Roba avi
make meh rich
will this be played ?
yes probally on sunday
doubt it
So when can u guys play this finally then? Been going for more than two weeks already with no one putting any effort into scheduling it.
i have been putting effort into scheduling it but its not been easy, so don't go making statements like that when you don't know anything
pls we got forfeit loose cuz we couldnt play it in that week :D
poop instead of koop :*
This has been forced to tonight at 23:00 gmt, please no questions until I release a press statement.
Its bad effort if u cant schedule game in 2 weeks, during that time i have set at least 5 or more games and never had any problems with such a long delay.
Hopefully this can at least be played this Sunday or Monday.
Good for you, you want a medal for scheduling 5 games? You don't know whats been happening, so you can't claim its 'bad effort' when you know minimal details.
If the game could of been scheduled before then it would have been, simple as.
I don't need anything, im just pointing out that scheduling a game isn't that hard, as i dobut that 12 ppl are occupied 24/7 and wouldn't find an hour or two for one game to be played. Anyway as i see that the game has been scheduled, i don't see any reason for arguing over it, just hope that it's gonna be played and good luck.
let him act important, he asks people to schedule games and requests them on GTV
at least he's contributing instead of whining and flaming 24/7 like a certain someone
Hey don't blame me for koop's whine
Erm, what's your problem now?
You have € 50 on tMoe Possible win: € 3629.5 hmm maybe? Gl Abj
hurry the fuck up and play.

hope you enjoyed reading this.
hopefully somone have picked razz back up or wel have to get a 6th for tonight LOL
You have € 10 on tMoe
Possible win: € 855.3
You have € 60 on tMoe
Possible win: € 3893.4

Robert rozjeb!
gOGO gruby ! :D
wp tmoe!
these guys r gud
is chry rly that good
never played aganist him