vs kilohertz (3000 views)
07.05.13 21:45 CEST
Status: | Cancelled | ![]() Get Button LinksHTML: BBCode: |
Game: | ![]() |
Rating: |
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League: | CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink | |
Hosting: | ClanBase | |
Manager: | ![]() |
Maps: | Sp_delivery_te | |
Supply | ||
Sw_goldrush_te | ||
On Demand | ![]() |
Broadcasted by
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Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 13
Viewer Peak: 13

cheater polaks get aids and die
thats my mitja!
Ftw, there isnt any cheater
Fyi, there arn't any cheaters*
grammarnazi alert
Fuck yeah
i see what you did there
Get cancer and die in car fire cheater faggot.
f1 to this man add me on xfire
thought i already have you and i have only jizzlord, wtf man
wtf man contact me on irc and add me XD
You have 13 on eu :>
You won 18.46
Tyle wygrac pomijajac ze byly dwie najgorsze mapy :D
You won 18.46
Tyle wygrac pomijajac ze byly dwie najgorsze mapy :D
ladnie KAMILKU:Dx:d
You have 577 on eu :>
You won 819.34
You won 819.34

akuku pizda :XD
Kurwa do spania mieczaku xD
arek gral ? :D
Kulig ja i jakis typek
Nie po prostu bil ja na supply tyle co na goldzie i deli razem bo tam nie potrafie grac :D
Dalej budujesz zamki z piasku za kase? :D
Good job Roba wiedzialem ze ten skurwol ma haxa byl wszechwiedzacy i bijacy a jak napisalem ze ma haxa to odrazu zmniejszyly mu sie cos zdolnosci :)
4:0 powinno byc a nie 4:2
A wez kurwa z tym deli i goldem idz w pizdu powinni skasowac te mapy xd
Jak walić banie i nie zwariować?
Nie da sie
nas brakowalo ozupie tak?:DD
Dobra dobra pogramy jeszcze tylko niech z bustują tego martuuu
A ja myslalem ze nowy Phyzic :D
skoro ban to 4-0 dla nas :D!
Why were bets cancelled?
I won 300 and it was taken away :(
I won 300 and it was taken away :(
Still bullshit, nowhere do i see 'If a cheater is caught on Gtv, bets will be cancelled'
At the end of the day, they agreed to play the game and it was played, cheats or no cheats, people who bet should get their emoney :D
It's like if you go to a real booky and bet on a horse for example, if later it's found out the horse was doped, they don't send the debt collectors out to collect all the money from the winners lol
At the end of the day, they agreed to play the game and it was played, cheats or no cheats, people who bet should get their emoney :D
It's like if you go to a real booky and bet on a horse for example, if later it's found out the horse was doped, they don't send the debt collectors out to collect all the money from the winners lol
If a cheater is caught on Gtv, bets will be cancelled
You didn't answer my question though :P
Where does it say that on gtv (faq, forum etc), and it's not how betting works,
Like i said in the post before if you bet on a someone to win, and say a week later they get busted for cheating/doping, the people who won money don't have to give it back :P
Where does it say that on gtv (faq, forum etc), and it's not how betting works,
Like i said in the post before if you bet on a someone to win, and say a week later they get busted for cheating/doping, the people who won money don't have to give it back :P
because it's a dumb question
and comparing betting with virtual money on a gaming website to real life is a bit silly
and comparing betting with virtual money on a gaming website to real life is a bit silly
Precisely my point, virtual money is trivial in comparison to real money, so why be even more strict when it's just pixels?
it has nothing to do with gbooky
bets were not cancelled, the match was cancelled which means bets are also automatically cancelled
bets were not cancelled, the match was cancelled which means bets are also automatically cancelled
I still don't get that part, the match was played, so it shouldn't be cancelled.
A match should only be cancelled if it's not played tbh, since clanbase has fuck all to do with Gtv (thus bans and cheats are irrelevant)
Sounds more like someones dick gets hard by being an admin-nazi and irritating people to no gain.
A match should only be cancelled if it's not played tbh, since clanbase has fuck all to do with Gtv (thus bans and cheats are irrelevant)
Sounds more like someones dick gets hard by being an admin-nazi and irritating people to no gain.
lol, and who are you to dictate how things are run here? sounds to me like someone cares about their e-money a little too much
[19:01:22] <YCN`Marcus> do it
I guess I should have asked for your permission to cancel the match instead of asking him..?
[19:01:22] <YCN`Marcus> do it
I guess I should have asked for your permission to cancel the match instead of asking him..?
Though it isn't spelled out for regular users, all admins of GTV know this. We do not support cheaters nor do we allow cheaters to play on GTV.

That's not entirely true.
It could be possible that the team cheating could also be abusing this.
You complain it is nowhere in the FAQs or such, but abusive behaviour is; you complain about one thing not being a rule, yet insult admins above.
You complain it is nowhere in the FAQs or such, but abusive behaviour is; you complain about one thing not being a rule, yet insult admins above.
Martuuu śmierdzi Ci z mordy jak z butów. Bustować czitosa.