alliancze blue team vs gentleMen (3692 views)

cz c4p
cz quish
cz crAsh
cz darius
cz mnewcko
cz sklamak
nl Adeto
be Azur
be Buzzer
be eron
be rznje
ro Stary

CB ET 6on6 Ladder
08.05.13 20:15 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: wenm (Requestee)
Maps: Radar
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Total Pot: € 4538
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 17


gl gmen en elanius :)
jest Sklamak jest kurs 20+
(i tak na was stawiam)
avi avi avi oh wait
GG :)
gg wp
all money gone :(
You have € 278 on gMen
You lost
hier wil ik toch een verklaring voor eron :o
lol nice:)
gg guys, deserved
lol just lol
wtf is this?
a team which cant play serious enough
needs more ViKODiN
ahh belgians.. :$
dunno if thats the reason, because some belgians really wanted to win this game ;--)
Azur and Buzzer cannot into dutch, kick them, they arent real belgians. uhuhu
stary in = lose
still rolled you tho
we lose to them and then bash vs your *EC HEHE* team
:D how good you are, we played really shit today :) let's play moar on some other day
so stary, pracc counts these days:D. omg we beat someone in pracc omg. You played horrible vs us though:D
rofl xd
you mean no wut&olas no win:)
you mean with me?
highast dmg everything brah:D
not rly but if 3 players or 4 cleaning everything its GG
yes and then i checked stats and booom others +12k dmg

kApotLowBoB 4k

gg wp man
hihihi had every second lag in that game :D! 200-800 ping
why cant u play m8? :s
k now et is dead im so disappointed v56 and stary u sux