to Make odds even vs inteRaction (5034 views)

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ClanBase ET EuroCup XXVII
Group B
1st Matchweek
19.05.13 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET EuroCup XXVII » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: fanatic (Highadmin)
Maps: Adlernest

Total Pot: € 20363
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: unknown


can we play this on a different day, iR guys? monday/tuesday/wednesday or something. due to NC final on Sunday's evening I'm afraid we can't play vs you on Sunday.
wiesz, jak coś to avi, byle supply było :XD
playin just thursday and sunday :X or forfeit ! ":D"
we could play this tonight at this time :) nc final is moved to 21.00 so 22.30 vs you is okay ^^
gl int-erection
Robert Sunday, 12th May 2013 02:41
wiesz, jak coś to avi, byle supply było :XD

Robert Wednesday, 15th May 2013 12:46

a Seigenowi wypomina wchodzenie w dupe :XDDDDDDDDDDDD
a ten jak zwykle pierwszy do komentowania jak chuja ogarnia :XDDDDDDDDDDDD
ogarniam, ze komus zarzucasz wlazenie w dupe a sam to robisz najlepiej - nie musze byc medplusem zeby to zauwazyc :)
nie ma co gadac o wnb famous
akurat we włażeniu w dupę jestem jeszcze gorszy niż w ET :x
are you going to have 6 for this, iR? cuz dunno if we should be online tonight or not
ej Fana, Robaciek jest avi jakbys potrzebowal :XD
iR does not have enough players to play, so they're forfeiting this.