Controlled Gaming vs national 0wners (3736 views)

gb Gnome
fi Legion
ca CrimZon
nl Thug
nl Lefty
nl FoFo

CB ET 3on3 OC Spring 2013
Fifth League
Group B
12.05.13 20:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 OpenCup Spring 2013 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Mccloud (Requestee)
Maps: Frostbite
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Total Pot: € 7168
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Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 12


no deryn no win
This line up is even better.
No offence towards deryn, though.
Nah :<
i hope now that n0 beat cTRL-

gl thug lefty en mn maat FoFo
deryn is playing all 3on3 and 6on6 matches if possible, but since opponents can't always play on the days control prefers. she will not play most of the sunday matches. for obvious reasons
thats easy for
Ctrl already played once versus these guys.
They are in this Fragmovie:

Unless this guys improved alot, ctrl should do just fine.

Cheers :D
glenn gtfo posting my test videos
ooh, glenn...rename into: ctrl-serious cat
Come on that was good intel.
Even with vid and all...

izi ctrl

shoutout legion
gl in grush n0
Got some stair based move to pull out of the hat?
sad that u are playing 5th leauge m8, sad
if im in ctrl and admins put ctrl in 5th what can i do about it m8
well, it's based how u ranked your time..seems u ranked it like 3/10...

dtect_ Sunday, 12th May 2013 16:11
gl in grush n0

that's also a bit we'll bash you anyway but i wish u gl in grush
If only you understood bro
ego or inside joke cos gnome is bitching at me for my insane grush rifle actions
yes rifle and
reported for being too serious
nah man i actually dont care:D..but that u are playing 5th leauge is pretty sad:P
CrimZon actually showed up for today so dTEC is most likely not playing. so you can cut your bitching cuz no one really cares, and if you don't care why even post? :/
Not this again :D

Long time since I've seen you play 3o3 :o
gl ctrl, u might need it in this stronk league:))))
gl base, you might need it when we play against eachother in 6on6 opencup
uuh, scary
shitting my pants now. the difference with your "carriers" is that my members have been in control and on the clanbase for years now, you're more pathetic adding last minute players

:D gg cu
Yea but we are playing in the devision where we belong, some players of ctrl aren't.

:D gg cu
yes because a player's name makes the game. you think deryn plays competitively with control? you think it's nice to play with 1 player without a mic (Legion) and having lineup issues almost every game? (CrimZon)

You're too busy whining about a player's name in the lineup without knowing any facts, besides that these guys have been playing for control for a little over a year now, if I need players I'm taking them.

gg & cu
thats exactly what i mean;p for years. Ure trying so hard. Playing every day 5 6o6's with ur team, and still so bad that u lost from us last season, how pathetic.
Don't wanna brag but I'm pretty sure I rolled you and your whiney little NL friends with 140 ping in a 3on3, if i'm low+ you're low-
MccLoud why Gnome dTEC7 and crimzon in fifth league :<
:DDddd i like the way ure getting mad now;d
Oh yeah, i remember, u rolled us so hard;p please man, if u still know all these things after months you are really pathetic. If i play with NL ppl like you say, could be that we searched low+ orso and that we lost, i dont really know lol;p i just wanna make fun, thats it:P If i play with my own team we search around med.

Maybe u should go prac more often so u can become really good, ure wasting time now by posting all this man;s
it was last week where I played a 3on3 against you.

ye I'm so mad right now. basic NL brain
i knew u were mad, i knew it ;p;p;p

now please, stop replying, ur wasting time. Go prac!:)
thanks, i pracced so hard to win that offi.
what is with you and the word "pracc"? are you some kind of retard?

You know people play ET as well because it's a game and people have fun playing games, and it's also fun to play with people who you have played with for years and years.

Maybe to you every game is a pracc
yea, its fun to play from time to time, but not 24/7 like you do
yes because when some random kid says that means its true. get out and stop being a retard. you're boring the shit out of me with your incapability to socialize
stfu Mccloud, just stfu
Then why u keep responding?;s
Pathetic this,really by ctrl

here's something you can flame at, you're welcome I'm glad I can give you something for your weekend
What have those two matches common with ctrl in fith league?
They are pretty strong as well in the fith league, it's not just us. so get off my dick
nl base Friday, 19th April 2013 22:38
easy for polaks, hf.

even easier for polaks... mccloud: if i'm low+ you're low-
