a.ToOn.eu vs inteRaction (4568 views)

de kiwi
pl lesti
pl Lukey
pl Seigen
ee Sinnu
fi Statti
cz cpu
cz Green_Clon
cz malfoy

ClanBase ET EuroCup XXVII
Group B
3rd Matchweek
13.05.13 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET EuroCup XXVII » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: kiwi (Requestee)
Maps: Frostbite

Total Pot: € 23712
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 3


reschedule most likely, poland vs uk
Didn't know yu was playin
lukey + lesti yo.
getting mercs and stuff :P
did upload go to english classes? or why is he in the lineup? :D
why would u say that?
maybe because u cant speak english?

what does m1tja think?
hmm i think i can but i didnt give a shit about it in some random 6o6 mix :d
his english is normal tho...:P
upload can speak english just fine =)
[19:02:04] [+confr|upload] so kartez i think im gonna do it yourself
no jalo no win ...
gl Seigen
gl kiwi
czy Seigen w koncu zagra?
w sumie to chuj cie to obchodzi :XD
no bicz pliz, interesuje mnie kariera takiej gwiazdy, która jedne z pierwszych kroków e-kariery stawiała w Why So Serious
seigen nabij acc dobre :P :D
1 Star EC match. YEA BUDDY
no wonder it's 1 star after your loss yesterday :D but today i'll carry u sinnub!
gl babovickari
GL seigenovsky :D!
i think iR will drop and forfeit.:{(
tell one of them to join #atoon.et now pls :D
proč to tipuju na forfeit
atoon won by forfeit