vs eLemenT'Fire (6549 views)

11.02.08 21:00 CET
Status: | Finished | ![]() Get Button LinksHTML: BBCode: |
Game: | ![]() |
Rating: |
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League: | CB ET 6on6 Ladder | |
Hosting: | ClanBase | |
Manager: | ![]() |
Maps: | Radar | |
Sw_goldrush_te |
Broadcasted by
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![]() By: benJi (ettvd) | |
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![]() By: eLemenT`Uther (ettvd) | |
Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 21
Viewer Peak: 21

gl teams
lowskill ETTV ftw ;) Joke th6-friends ;D
gl eLemenT
eNCOR3 @ the6?

I play :o <3 u dEzz
gogoog dezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
2 ez
lineup eLemenT:

gl the6
gl element
gl reni
dank je :)
the6 own =)
dezz for the win :) why no musashi ? :<
2low4fanboys :< dEzz doesnt like me :<
where's sp!ke? :<
no sp!ke no win
no sp!ke no win
izi 4
gl TwA
spike @ Cod4 :) gl hf elemenT
izi bash 4 the6 imo :D
pwned`em a few times in trainwars!
shoutout to DMT ;)
pwned`em a few times in trainwars!
shoutout to DMT ;)
hf gl ... elemenT
gl musashiii :)
ty m8 ;-)
gl dEzz <3<3<3<3<3
ty raszi
GL fire
both teams suck, except webbow, he´s TEH OWNAGE :DDDDDDD
never the less gl hf
never the less gl hf
gl element
gl element
TwA is a bellend
easy for Twa and co............hf!
gl musashi:D
it's friday today :)
i always need someone to tell me the dates :XD
i always need someone to tell me the dates :XD
geht mal lieber feiern als zu zocken :D
according ClanBase, match is on Monday 11th...
I think what you'd like to say is this match won't take place........its not clanbase who decides the match time dumbass......u are in element arent u?? REQuEST, the new ettv date......
The match is and was scheduled at ClanBase for Monday between one of my squads and the6. I think it's no offence to mention that the match date here is not correct. We have not requested ETTV, so it is not our business, but thxs for the dumbass, go take care about your own business
then at least write in here that the schedule is wrong so the ettv guys can change the dates and viewers know that it wont be talking place. What it says in clanbase is kinda irrelevant, when the teams may have organised another time mutually!!
i love german fights :D
hi frauwe.....<3...sup m8? my flags wrong :(
hidihow :)
when are we gonna play togetter? long time didn't play with you :(
how are you doing m8?
when are we gonna play togetter? long time didn't play with you :(
how are you doing m8?
yea, hehe, played against u when u were in gD and FiF, but kinda don't now which team ure in now ! :( We can arrange something Im sure ....
i'm still in fif ofc :)
and i wonna play with you not aganst you :D
and i wonna play with you not aganst you :D
hehe, would be nice but me sux!...don't play much anymore :(
that's actually exactly what he did.
thats actually very nice....what a clever boy.....and Pls change my flag!!!
hm no
hmm reason?
coz u smells :-p
GL the6 <3
gl both
GL dEzz ! :D
GL Assassins ! :D
Uknown pwners omigoat!
GL dEzz ! :D
GL Assassins ! :D
Uknown pwners omigoat!
idd .. :D
heyhoi wood :> ty
gl dezz
mus & assa
mus & assa
gl dezz & mushi
dankje tijger :) jij ook tonight (dEzz)
ty : )
today its monday, yesterday was sunday :)
ze hacker
gl hannes
GL mushashi :D
als je dit niet wint dEzz :p weet ik het ook niet meer - gl
misschien moet je em dan maar voor de zekerheid wat van je hax gaan geven :/
izi for reni&twa <33
gl dezz and musashi !!
gl dezz and musashi !!
happy fragging hqnnes
haha dezz, laat zien dat je pwnt ;-)
ou have 50 on the6
Possible win: 80
Cmon Assasins :D
Possible win: 80
Cmon Assasins :D
easy for the6 HF Dezzz & Musashiii 2.55 retard:))))) GL elemenT
gl dezzzz
gl dezzzzzzzzzzzzzz
gl dezzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
gl ef
@The6 Keke we pwnd you ^-^
gl twa!
gl webbow
führ mich zum Schotter xD
führ mich zum Schotter xD
rofl....kicked from element ettv server without saying a word..........must be a first....wat a bunch of lowtards
eF won 4-0, wp
thx for kick retard....absolutely no
I did not kick you, but seeing you flaming again, I better should have... :D
ofc you did, and I never said 1 word, but if it keeps your retarded mind filled up with powertrips, then wp...
I did not, was playing, you better stop drinking.... too bad, you missed the match, sad...
lol there was another ettv u fool...omg u really are sad. And I know you asked your friend to kick me cuz youre to retarded to do it yourself...just accept it man, and carry on playing your silly scoutmaster games.
my friend? you must be dreaming, funny guy you are, maybe here you find some help: have a nice life bb
Your mate Uther kicked us both, np retard.
was crazyfrag actually on your instructions xD omg be adult enough to admit it...
Can I be in your clan? Il pay 5 a month.
lie more :<
And that's even when I wasn't there ;D
Gz dudes
Gz dudes