#erAse.et Runo<3 vs Lost Soldiers (3285 views)

fi dTEC7
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nl esSe
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fi toNi
nl vANQ
si Aniky
fr kartez
de laNgo
de rAKJI
it vj7o

ClanBase ET EuroCup XXVII
Group C
3rd Matchweek
19.05.13 21:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET EuroCup XXVII » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: ohurcool (Highadmin)
Maps: Frostbite

Total Pot: € 8232
The bets have been cancelled.

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GL erase
gl dTEC7
gl lost
avi for this, erase/lost :S
gl both
you can remove me
and what is this papim8 :((/(
no snatix no win :((
gl dtect
avi for this, erase/lost :S
gnome is avi for lost /q him
wtf are you his personal naughty secretary?
gnome is avi for lost /q him
yes pls lost take gnome couldnt imagine easier win LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL
Izi kartez ;)
izi for #1 TB :)
for Mccloud? According to World Player Skill Toplist, you are #4 :)

Im number 791 though.
#1 TB by rolling mega-noobs on FA2 congratz!
And someone has took the trollbait :)))))

[00:16] dTEC7: http://www.gamestv.org/event/40621-erase-et-runo-3-vs-lost-soldiers/#comment1060148
[00:18] #CTRL.d Equanimity: inb4 flame
[00:19] dTEC7: i hope so
[00:19] #CTRL.d Equanimity: trollbait
you are welcome to try and get it if you're jealous
we forfeit this game - sorry guys :<