unreAl Gaming vs Keelhauler (2781 views)

nl Vyjiii-
pl dialer
se Lenny
si m1tja
fr wyper

CB ET 3on3 Ladder
18.05.13 22:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: NLVyjiii (Requestee)
Maps: Adlernest
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Total Pot: € 1091
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 7


gl m1tja
who are you random?
record of offis a day ?
no man, cant break Azur's record
how many he had ?
22,every hour 1 offi, 1hour he slept and 1 hour for eating and shower etc
please bitch you know youve played more offis in a day than me :S
so whats official record :D
in one day, i think he did 7 offis, i dont think i've ever played more than 6 :P but we might not be the biggest nerds, guess there are some ppl who already played more than us but cba looking :)
I think it was NuggaN who posted a picture of razz holding Guiness World Record in most games played in one day, was hilarious :D
the fact is ppl thinks we r nerds cuz they see us playing on GTV and they dont say to ppl nerds who playing IRC wars 24/7
supna lang geleden man :<
fapfapfap c====3 :pp
m1tja still nerding in dead game :PPPPP
rolling some NC players what u think bobika
You have € 250 on nl unreAl
You lost
after so many wins, how ppl still dont trust in LORDI :ssss

e! pl 3.05
1.49 nl (_)
You have € 250 on nl (_)
You lost
it's difference to play vs clean players and cheaters like kuna..what u think?
gg vyji:D:D::D gg ggg
ever won a match vyjii?