authentic vs Kolorowe Kredki @ nudE (5280 views)

11.02.08 21:00 CET
Status: | Finished | ![]() Get Button LinksHTML: BBCode: |
Game: | ![]() |
Rating: |
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League: | CB ET 6on6 Ladder | |
Hosting: | ClanBase | |
Manager: | ![]() |
Maps: | Sw_goldrush_te | |
Braundorf_b4 |
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![]() By: benJi (ettvd) | |
Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 42
Viewer Peak: 42

'Prawie Jak' nowy talent ?
auth still busted
are you that greek yawnwarrior who searches war and then checks all opponents' guids and if one of them is two month old, you kick your opponents? :)
Well we kick only if u got in ur team one guy with red profile. Too bad cheaterland have many of those so next time or pick better teammates or stop playing et.
i havent played against you yet. im just curious, shouldnt you at least play one round against him, if he isnt suspicious - just play, actually its just funwar :)
nope...if you are busted nobady should play with u again. When u will grow up u will understand that there is no need to socialize (or to make friends) with unworthy people (cheaters)....even for fun.
btw we have played if u were playing at BM.....(i think u can recall some of ur team members busted by bulldog during the opencup ;) )
btw we have played if u were playing at BM.....(i think u can recall some of ur team members busted by bulldog during the opencup ;) )
yeah i played final against you, i remember it quite well (4frag rifle :P) but you didnt kick anybody there as there was admin on that match :)
dont get me wrong, i dont feel like playing with or against cheaters, just do you think it is worth wasting 10 minutes on kicking enemies and then searching for an opponent, which is nowadays not easy job to do, even at 20/21?
btw. those busted players didnt play with us for a month already before the final, its just my fault that i didnt kick them from cb-page (i didnt think they may try to hax, so i left them in the profile) - now we got red cb profile because of that :( but our match was clean which i hope you'd understand even if you lost the final :-)
dont get me wrong, i dont feel like playing with or against cheaters, just do you think it is worth wasting 10 minutes on kicking enemies and then searching for an opponent, which is nowadays not easy job to do, even at 20/21?
btw. those busted players didnt play with us for a month already before the final, its just my fault that i didnt kick them from cb-page (i didnt think they may try to hax, so i left them in the profile) - now we got red cb profile because of that :( but our match was clean which i hope you'd understand even if you lost the final :-)
the match was clean and u played very nice and fair(nice the 4 kills). but you see how much trouble u still have with cheaters. Thats why we have our own zero tolerance of old cheat testers and if all clans adapt the same policy kids will not so easilly test cheats as they do now.
got the point.
: X
GL Mtb
hackers vs hackers wow
and tell me who hacks on authenic's team
where is naga? :DD
This is the other auth squad playing don't worry I'm still here :)
dang :{
mhh the other auth squad :/
[<=] :'dd hF ettv watchers
powodzenia Koziol :)
Wish we would stop giving polish players ETTV spots
HAX !! H4X !! HAX = auth gaming
Mss aint playing? unhaxpected
close one..but imo auth thake this one anyway HF both...
p.s: Fragger pls nie podniecaj sie tak , "Prawie jak" predzej hax niz new talent
p.s: Fragger pls nie podniecaj sie tak , "Prawie jak" predzej hax niz new talent
Get real friends & life pls =]
hmm nie wiem kim jestes, ale widze, ze zdarzyles juz poznac Luu <3. gl hf
You have 64 on pl auth Cancel bet
Possible win: 106.24
GL & HF...
Possible win: 106.24
GL & HF...
GL kredki
kredki lepiej zebyscie haxy zalaczyli bo nie chcialbym stracic eurosow ;c
KREDKI maja talent ! GL & HF ;F
gl auth krolik tan rise<3
gl for me ; X xD
gl michal, janek pl aka tangirl i saqu =D
Prawie jak gg dla Ciebie
4:0 for Kredki :]
thx for money ;]
You have 38 on [<=]
You won 99.56
You have 38 on [<=]
You won 99.56
Prawie jak to jebany hax imo czekam na twoje demko cieciu
:-) chlopak dlugo tak nie pociagnie
You have 100 on [<=]
You won 262
You won 262
lol ludzie ogarnijcie sie ... az zal mi tego sluchac
dzieki kredki <3
You have 80 on pl auth
You lost
You lost
God you stupid fucking hacking polaks. How can you not win with hacks? Really. Just quit ET. Now i have no money again
of pls gtfo stupid tard, if u dont have money then get a job count !;x
hillas get real life plz