MONTE power vs cat in a hat (4910 views)

hu dexter
nl dualinity
nl jeewee
pl nightmare
pl PMA
pl szczurek
nl Freddy
fi hazz
be MetZor
pt multres
fi NiXon
no Sinche

CB ET 6on6 OC Spring 2013
Second League
Playoffs - Quarter Finals
03.06.13 21:15 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 OpenCup Spring 2013 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: szczurek (Highadmin)
Maps: Frostbite
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 14694
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 11


real dualinity?
real jeewee?
gl monte !
gl szczurek & nightmare
gl&hf szczurek !!
gl szczurek and nitghmare !!!
No Bobika, yu guys might have a chance
monte getting more lower skill players by the day.
hey, go suck a dick
and yet you are better than like none of them
what you on about? we won them and I got 2nd highest dmg on team chap. and my team never even had a practise together before that game. dxtr good shooter, but they lack team work. Also tm4j carried them and he quit them so yes there skill gone down.
why not but if you want to know we weren't praccing before that game at all cus t4mje and jewe didn't show up at practise games. And atm we're not playing for over 3 weeks, imo easy bash for cats
not really if I will jump in !
but u don't want to
williams plz let it go, monte guys are great !
Yes, you 'beat' them, but actually you didn't get 2nd highest dmg on your team and you always whine about not having practise or some lame excuse, even if you win you still chat shit saying 'We fucked this up' or 'We could've done better' you should learn to be humble in victory as well as defeat, btw Airen carried you so i don't know what you have against t4mj.. stop being such an egotistical motherfucker, rant over xD
best, agreed.
you don't even read do you? I have nothing agiast tm4j hes a good friend of mine that I talk to daily I said he was there best player and they lost him.

and yes I saw when we made a mistakes as a team which we dint do in next game. and before you write certain words you need to know me, and actually get the right meaning for them..

n btw who are you? yet again et dead due to unknowns thinking they are good lol loser
Every game we play you start posting shit. Got nothing better to do? U get carried hard every time we/I played against you. We dont take this game as serieus like you do. And just because you dont know him, means that hes unknown. Cba replying to you anymoar, have à nice day faggot
the person you are talking to is actually a clanbase admin who has done more for the community than you have.
i like you williams, but you're not being very nice right now :(
I think he meant to reply to Lsk instead of szczurek :P but yeah, bit silly
I wasnt best in team at all :o
where cztm4j
still enough good to carry us, with dexter ofc
gl jeeeeeeeweeeeeee
all on catz
So u will fuck up on purpose;s? Gimme rifle then!!
no, just don't care about my e-monyez
but if we gonna looooseee i will win some money ;)
gl pma
gl dex & co!
gl hazz
all in on my monster 3o3 merc nuna best pt player hands down <3
thank you hitler, your support is appreciated
fu :D
You hurt my feelings!
:( I hope you rape these guys hard for my amusement you asshole :D
Oh I will.
I know you will bro ;)
Just kidding I suck! cancel your bet and bet on them instead if you want to win some virtual moneys.
go go power monte :)
hf cats :)
gl dual
gl mare & dual
bepownzolod oket ?
három hete nem játszottunk együtt, én ma puboltam 5 percet, nagyon profi vagyok most is.!
attól függ milyen lesz a netem és h kik fognak nálunk játszani. ezen lineuppal sztem vernünk kéne őket ,habár első finnen kívül senkit nem ismerek.
ne all-in olj ránk annyi tuti azért.
100 jatekeuroval tobb v keevesebb
mennyid van?
ha több, és nme kevéssel akkor mehet ránk egy ötven. ha annyi van, akk max egy 30at kockáztatnék.
igazából pályáktól függ. ha lesz benne aranyrohanás, akkor inkább ne, ha goldlopás és van szép mén íszt veszt akk azt tuti hozzuk sztem. remélem lákk map lesz a 3.
gl monte, hf mare!
gl ma boyz
Ill try to be there on time, think I will make it!
gl hf paweł
gl monte
gl dualinity :)
10 mins
gl cats
gl cats
wp cats You have € 100 on eu =^.^=
You won € 373
how were the odds in favour of us :P
gg wp, blaming pma for frost :D
someone forgot to change his bets i guess ^^
monte low+ team
unbelieveable.. those guys deserve win at all !
Sinche man of the match and y'all are mad.
You have € 250 on =^.^=
You won € 932.5 thx!