Seek`N`Destroy vs Deathless (3416 views)

se slajdan
si immoo
si snail
nl LavOd
be Prydz
be chry
hr danL
hr drv4c
ch crAsh
nl Snow
fi naxi
nl wallie
10.02.08 22:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Re-play Cup
Manager: synt3r (Generaladmin)
Maps: Supply

Total Pot: € 2819
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de #LoFT ETTV3
By: benJi (ettvd)
de #re-play ETTV ONE
By: synt3r (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 32


gl deathless
gl deathless :)
gl deathless
gl deathless
gl lavod + slajdan


vorige x zat er een retarded wallie op vent dus ik d8 dat hij dat wss was
he en je negervriend dan?
why are the d brothers saying wtf?
didn't know there was ettv

but now I get the chance to fuck up something on ettv again!
so I'll be your shrink again, I'm still all ear man
omg im from switzerland not austria WTF :S
snow told me that u are austria
thx for change :)
gl lavod
Good luck naxi ;) <3 ^^
wpgg x)
lold xiits
score ?
<3 immoo and at crAsh ;)
that idiot prydz is lagging enough, he doesn't have to use aditional scripts tbh
Quit the whine, it's mental only and MS have already proved that.
mental? why is he changing packets to 60 when he shoots and when he doesn't they are 100 if it's mental? any reason to that? why doesn't he imagine he is changing them if it's mental?

I'm not saying he lagged cos of that alone, but what's the point in having that?
Let's force every netsetting to max, no whine then.
you still dodge answering my question, as did he last 2 times I played vs him

I'm ok with lower settings, for all I care he could've had 15k rate and 40 packets, but then have them all the time, don't use some shit script

Its easy bash to hit me.. everyone says that..

I'm belgian, 48 ping and maxpackets 100

If u whine already @ me, what about polaks etc then :s :)

anyway, gg
yes, maxpackets 100, too bad they magically go to 60 when you shoot right?
nice whine for nothing
it's not for nothing, I just hate ppl using that shit
Its same if someone play with fov 90 *advantage*

You can use that 'shit' afaik

seta attack1 "+attack; cl_maxpackets 40 "
seta attack2 "-attack; cl_maxpackets 100"
bind mouse1 "+vstr attack1 attack2"


seta attack1 "+attack; cl_maxpackets 100 "
seta attack2 "-attack; cl_maxpackets 40"
bind mouse1 "+vstr attack1 attack2"

here you are, i hope u will recognize the placebo effect
and what's the point of that? it's like I say someone cheats and you tell me "You can use that 'shit' afaik"

come on

and it's not same as playing with fov 90, I think you mixed something there
if you cant see the point in this script, then why do you have problem with this ? You cannot compare a script to a cheat. By the way i dont really know how fast maxpackets can change, maybe it has some delay.

One question: Your problem is the maxpacket change or the low maxpackets ?

edit: I thought ur problem is you have disadvantage against 'maxpacket changers'..
I'm not comparing script to a cheat, I'm pointing at the attitude
It's shit that we are making the earth more and more unhabitable for us, but who are gonna stop us?
need me and raskl tbh
better luck next time :(